Chapter II: The Arrival Of A Special Guest

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Taki replied: "My news is good, a very cute baby boy" while looking at the baby held by Queen Delilah.

Queen Delilah said: "His name is Kamandanu, and he is 8 months old" while showing him to Taki. Taki smiled at Kamandanu who was fast asleep. After dropping off the Januman family, Taki returned to the reception.

That night, the inn and the Lelembut kingdom were quiet, with all the residents and migrants sleeping soundly in their homes or caves. Because tomorrow they will have a big celebration and even a national holiday.

The next day, starting at 07.00, there was already a crowd outside the inn. The inhabitants of the Lelembut kingdom looked very enthusiastic because today Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, the real founder and ruler, would return to the bottom of the sea with her husband to enliven Mother's Day.

For the inhabitants of the Lelembut kingdom, the presence of Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is a blessing for all because many of the inhabitants are direct descendants of her. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul or Tethys is the mother of more than 6,000 water demigods and lelembut, so her once-a-year visit to the seabed brings a very close sense of family.

It can be seen that all men and women, both adults and children, wear neat clothes. All were seen in groups, indicating that they were a family. The streets in Lelembut Kingdom were very crowded.

Mother's Day on December 22 is a national holiday in the Lelembut Kingdom, and even the shops and markets are closed. Everyone celebrated Mother's Day as a family day. Only the medical center was open.

Uncle Liem Song Da brought breakfast for the Januman and Rexin families staying at the Fujiyama Inn. Aunt Taki and her staff distributed the food in boxes to each room. After distributing the food, Uncle Liem and Aunt Taki went outside. They wanted to join the crowd outside.

At around 8.30 a.m., Januman's family left the room at the same time as the Ancient Reptilian group. Januman approached Rexin and greeted him: "Greetings to King Rexin. We meet again. How are you?"

Rexin replied: "Good Januman. I heard that you were tricked by the Dark Assasins into attacking Agung of Equator Mystical School?"

Januman replied: "That's right King Rexin, the Dark Assasins made us attack and injure the disciples of Equator Mystical School. But after the war, the two of us became allies. Even now my children are teachers at the Equator Mystical School."

Rexin looked amazed: "How interesting, the closed kingdom of Januman is finally willing to open up to spiritual humans." The two of them walked outside the inn while continuing to chat excitedly.

Nagendra noticed a change in Kanyaka because usually every time they met Kanyaka would approach and disturb him but this time he was very calm. Nagendra approached Kanyaka while joking: "Hey Kanyaka, you seem more mature now. Usually, you would approach and pester me?"

Kanyaka calmly replied: "Brother Nagendra has already rejected my love for sister Kandita. Now Kanyaka's heart belongs to a handsome prince."

Nagendra looked a little jealous: "Handsome prince, who?" Kanyaka did not answer but instead helped Queen Delilah by taking turns carrying Kamandanu. Then they all walked after Rexin and Januman who had already walked ahead of them.

While walking, Nagendra looked at Kanyaka's siblings and asked them: "Whose handsome prince has taken Kanyaka's heart?"

Ashwani, Darshan, and Shailendra shook their heads as Nagendra looked at them one by one. Nagendra immediately urged Gagan: "Gagan! Tell me who he is!"

Gagan looked confused, scratched his head, and said: "As for who the handsome prince Kanyaka likes, none of us know. But I know that Kanyaka likes a spiritual young man named Rayga Mikaelson, the grandson of Jacob Mikaelson, the owner of Mikaelson Corporation."

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