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They had a deal. One rule for the both of them that they swore they would abide by all throughout the competition. They can't date.

Val and Rumer were stoked to be paired up with each other given the fact that they already knew each other from common friends. They weren't exactly close but it's better than starting at nothing in their partnership. They knew working with each other is going to be a breeze. They went out for lunch during their first day of rehearsals just to talk and maybe even set some ground rules.

"So, what's our game plan mister professional dancer?" Rumer said in a joking manner as she and Val waited for their orders. They were sat at some cozy LA restaurant in the middle of the day.

"Well, between you and me, you're the contestant. So, what do you want out of this?" Val emphasized the word you to make it clear that it was up to Rumer.

"Well, I want to win. I really want it badly. I never wanted to win something like the way I want to win this. And I will do everything. I will work my ass off to get that mirror ball." She was beaming with joy and excitement as she continually voiced out her eagerness to win. Val was amazed at how passionate his partner was when it comes to the competition. Most of the celebrities aren't this involved or aren't as motivated and he never met one as passionate as Rue or even as beautiful.

Rumer took notice that Val's thoughts were drifting away from the present convo and saw that he was busy staring at her face. She called out his name a few times before snapping her fingers in front of his face to get his attention.

"Earth to Valentin Chmerkovskiy." Val snapped out of it and realized he was full on staring at Rumer's face while thinking of some things he wouldn't be comfortable sharing at the moment. He pretended to pay attention and started forking the food that was laid in front of him.

"You were saying?" He was being coy as he was trying his best not to turn red because he got caught staring. This effort didn't go unnoticed by Rumer so she laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Val asked innocently.

"What were you doing?" She asked laughing.

"Doing what?" He dug in to his food to make himself occupied.

"Dude, you were totally staring." She was still laughing while eyeing Val who was still denying it.

"Staring at what?" He pulled a straight face as he placed another spoonful into his mouth.

"At me, you dork! You were completely lost for a minute there. Do I have something on my face?" She pointed out while mocking Val's actions earlier.

Val was conflicted whether he'd just own up to it or just continually deny it. He had a feeling that she wouldn't be letting this go so he sighed heavily while rolling his eyes and placed the utensils he was holding down.

"Fine. You caught me. I was staring at your beautiful face and got side tracked. It's really weird seeing you in the daylight." He tried being cute about it and it made Rue blushed for a while.

"Hey!! What do you think of me? A vampire?" she reached out and playfully slapped Val's arm as he laughed.

"No!!" He was still fighting back his laughter. "It's just that all the

times I met you was during night time and this is the first time I was able to

properly look at you with the Earth's natural light."

"Thank you for the compliment, I think. But

hey! We have to focus on the competition. No funny business. You can't get side

tracked with looking at me in natural light" She said with full conviction

but playfully. Val nodded in agreement.

"I totally agree. We should probably set

some ground rules to make sure our goal of winning is our top priority."

They started blurting out rules.

"Okay, let me start. No one can be late or

absent from practice unless you are either dying or someone else is." Rue


"Health is also our priority. If there are

body pains or any type of physical pain then you should tell the other so that

you could be checked." Val reminded with concern in his voice reassuring

his partner.

"Breaks are okay but be sensitive to the

time remaining for rehearsals." It was obvious that Rue is very


"And if you are emotionally drained it's

best to talk it out with your partner so you can be on the same page to make

the rehearsals smooth flowing." Rumer agreed in this aspect.

"Lastly, we can't possibly date or be

anything but partners in dancing and friends of course." Rumer said eyeing

Val and being 100% serious.

"What?" Val was surprised this was

even a rule. "Why is this even a rule? Of course we're not going to date.

We're professionals. All for the competition."

"I'm serious Val. We can't let feelings get

in the way of winning. So your little staring moments have to down itself a


"Yes Ms. Willis." He sarcastically

said formally.

This was a few months ago.

They were able to hold their end of the bargain until something

unexpected or well kind of expected happened.

A/N: I have completely no idea if this story would even have any followers but what the heck. Do leave comments and also follow me on twitter paulinegoddess :D #TeamValenrue #RumerSlaysAll

I also have a blog about Rumer so check it out www.basicallypauau.blogspot.com

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