Chapter 3

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"So what are we going to play?" I say sitting next to Luna. "Old maid for now, or until Kaleb joins us." She nods her head towards a quiet Kaleb sitting in the corner lost in whatever he is listening to. "Yeah he gets pretty irritable when he wants to be left alone." He says as he shrugs his shoulders as he pulls the cards out of their box. "Who's shuffling?" He holds up the stack of cards before bringing them closer to himself and just shuffling them himself. "So Julie, would you tell us about yourself?" Luna watches as I shuffle around finding a comfortable position to sit in. She sits there happily as she waits sitting crossed legged. "Um, I like to write and sing. Recently I've been waiting to get into sewing but I don't have an supplies so I just wish to?" I think for a second. Trying to come up with anything else I can really tell her. "I also really like to read. What about you?" I give a soft smile hoping that was enough.

"I like to watch anime. I love playing card and board games. And I also really like video games and movies." She smiles proudly at the introduction. "That was so vague moon," Evan smiles to himself as he starts to pass out all of the cards. "How about we play twenty questions while playing! Except we don't have to keep track of the number of questions, we'll just ask a question to whoever we take a card from." Luna's eyes light up as she explains an interesting question on a question game for us to play. "I'm down, but since I dealt that means I go last. Casino rules state that the person to my left goes first." He says in a voice that I can't tell if he's serious or joking, "You know very well there is no such thing as that. Don't be lying about that!" Luna jokingly gets after Evan. "But I'll go first!" She states as she pulls a card from my hand.

"How were you brought here? Like what family member did you come with?" Her eyes focused on me. "I came with Vincent. He's dating my mom so he invited us." I say calmly while pulling a card from Luna. "How old are you?" I say feeling really unsure about my questioning ability. "I'm 11, Kaleb is 13, and Evan is 14." She nods matter-of-factly as she turns to Evan and pulls a card. "Is it true that you're not gonna come next saturday cause of your dumb baseball friends?" She sticks her tongue out jokingly at him. "Yes I am hanging out with my team next Saturday, no you won't change my mind." He says sternly while taking one of my cards. "How do you like hanging out with us? Is it everything you expected?" He smirks at me. "It's nice, I hope we get along well." "Girleeing each other practically every Saturday unless you have plans like some people." Luna chimes in, the last half of her sentence clearly being targeted.

Times passed as we asked simple questions that you would ask anyone you're getting to know. It made the awkward tension disappear and let me relax as I talked to them. "I want in next round!" I turn and see Kaleb waving at us while one earphone is moved. "Yeah well hurry up cause the next game is gonna start in a few." Evan says loudly while drawing a card from Luna. I hadn't drawn the maid but I did get pairs of all the cards in my hand so I was safely out. Evan and Luna held the last five cards. Three in her hand and two in his. Evan was hovering over them trying to think carefully about a completely random thirty-three percent chance of getting the maid. He eventually pulls a card. "Phew, thank goodness." he chimes as he pulls out another card from his hand. "Dang it! How do I always lose?" Luna jokes as she takes Evan's last card ending the game.

"Kaleb we're done." Luna says in a sing-song manner. "Julie should shuffle, see if that's my good luck charm." Luna winks at me playfully before getting up and waving her hand in front of Kaleb's face. I gather all the cards and start shuffling them. Kaleb joins the group and now we are sitting in a rounded square shape. Evan sitting right in front of me, Luna to my left and Kaleb to my right. I start to pass out the cards. I slide the cards in front of everyone. As I was Evan's hand brushed mine as I was passing his first one. The first few times after that our hands kept touching. I don't know why it felt like I was going to explode, only the very tips of our fingers would touch. I felt my face heat up from the small and unimportant gesture. Eventually the game starts. But I can't help it. My face feels hot and I feel giddy with excitement. 

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