Are you ok Dom?

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Narrtor's POV
After A rough match against cody,solo,jey and sami JD helped Dom back to the locker room and helped him to the couch
"Hey Dom Are you ok?" JD Asked checking on the youngest man
Dominik's POV
"Mhm I'm ok" Dominik said
"Come on Dominik tell me truthfully" JD Said
Dominik's POV
*he sighs* "i'm sore and tired and hungry" Dominik said
"Well lets get ice on you and then we can go get chicken tendies and ranch and then you can sleep as much as you want ok" JD said comforting the younger Man
Dominik's POV
"ok can you help me?" Dominik Asked
"Of course lets go" JD said helping the younger Man up and took him to get ice
Narrator's POV
After Dominik and JD left damian scoffed and made a comment about JD babying Dom too much Finn told him what did he expect after throwing dom under the bus when rhea came back from her bruised ribs Rhea stood there death glaring damian and then looked back at the spot her dom dom and JD used to be she was worried for her Dom Dom after 5 minutes Dominik and JD Came Back and JD helped dom to the couch and sat him down and put the ice on the sore bit Dominik smiled
"is that better Dominik?" JD Asked
Dominik's POV
"Much better just need my chicken tendies and ranch and a nap" Dominik said
Narrator's POV
As promised the judgement day and JD got dressed in casual clothes and got dom his chicken tendies and ranch and JD paid Damian had made another comment about dominik being babied finn had enough and told him to be quiet and damian was quiet the rest of the night and only talked when someone talked directly to him Dominik had fallen asleep with his head on JD's shoulder finn was driving Rhea was asleep on Dmian's shoulder the only three people that were awake were damian,JD and finn

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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