The sleepover

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Marya's pov

Some friends invited me over to drink and watch movies all night. i accepted the invited since i had nothing else to do and i was bored. my father looks at me and says "Okay... before you leave the car i have a couple questions... is there any boys and are you going to be drinking or doing drugs" i roll my eyes "No dad there's no boys and i won't be drinking and getting high" i lied about the drinking part but i was mostly telling the truth.. my father replies "Okay.. love you. and be safe don't be a idiot" "I love you too" i get out of the car and i walk to the house knocking on the door. i hear some laughing on the other side of the door. a hot girl opens the door and looks me up and down saying "Hi. did Ava invite you?" "Yeah. Ava invited me" the girl replies "come in. i'm Selene" i walk into the house "I'm Marya" i follow Selene into the other room. i see Ava and a couple other girls sitting on the floor playing truth or dare. Ava looks at me and says "Marya! come play truth or dare with us" "Ava last time i played truth or dare with you, you dared me to flirt with the neighbor..." Ava laughs and replies "Oh come on. that was one time in 9th grade.. i swear i won't dare you to do that again" "Fine" i say and i sit on the ground next to Ava. Selene looks at me and asks "Truth or Dare" "Truth" Selene replies "I'm interested. how'd the flirting with the neighbor go?" "Well he started talking to me a lot more after. so i guess it worked on him" i look at Ava "Ava. Truth or dare" Ava picks dare "This is payback for the 9th grade dare. go flirt with the neighbor" Ava rolls her eyes "well fuck you too" Ava stands up and starts walking over to the door. "No thank you. you aren't my type" i reply. Ava looks at me and says "I know you know i didn't mean it like that asshole" "I know" i smile. a couple minutes pass after Ava walks to the neighbors house.. Ava comes back and Flips me off "That's for making me go through that torture. the guy was in his 50s" i laugh. after a couple minutes of truth or dare one of the girls look at me and asks "Truth or Dare" i finally pick Dare but i soon regret it. the girl replies "Play 7 minutes in heaven with Selene" i look at Ava "You guys fucking teamed up on me didn't you" they both laugh and after a couple minutes me and Selene walk into the bathroom since the closet has too much stuff in it. i look at Selene with a annoyed look on my face "Well now what do we do?" Selene replies "Well we could just sit here until the 7 minutes are up" not even a hour into the sleepover and i'm stuck in a bathroom with a girl i don't even know.. great.. 

Selene's pov

my eyes glance at Marya's neck. fuck... why right now.. i get as far as i can from her and i sit on the sink. i have a very strong urge to drink her blood "how long have we been in here?" i ask. she replies "3 minutes" so 4 minutes left... i won't be able to control myself that long. Marya starts to notice how hard i'm breathing and says "You okay?" i'm covering my eyes "Yeah i'm fine. has it almost been 7 minutes yet" She replies "It's still been 3 minutes.. well just turned to 4" i physically can't hold myself back anymore... i get off the sink and i walk to her. she looks at me and says "hm?" i push her against the wall then i cover her mouth and bite her neck. Marya's eyes widen and she tries to push me away. i continue drinking her blood a couple seconds later i stop and back up. i left 2 teeth marks and a slight hickey on her neck "I'm so sorry... you will NOT tell ANYONE about this. if someone asks about the mark on your neck just tell them that we started doing things, tell NO ONE what i am or i will kill you" 

Marya's pov

i stand there in fear then a couple seconds later i start to feel the pain "Ow... bitch. you could've at least not make it as painful" i realize what i just said "oh.. uh.. sorry i say things without thinking... don't kill me" i see Selene's deep in thought. someone knocks on the door i hear Ava say "7 minutes is up. you can come out now.. well if you want to" i open the door. Ava looks at my neck and her eyebrows go up as she smirks and says "well. you guys didn't just sit around for those 7 minutes" "Oh fuck off" i walk out of the bathroom and i sit by the rest of the girls. i see Selene walk out of the bathroom a minute later and she sits next to me

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