„Speak! Or I will call—"

„How pathetic."

Not expecting to hear the h/c haired woman speaking up, Muzan was left with a dazzled look on his face. While the words she spoke harsh, her voice was as sweet as freshly made honey.

„How could someone like you become such a nuisance in the future.. it's really pathetic", the woman spoke up once again, her usually soft and warm eyes hardening as she watched the man before her, cuddled up in the warmth and safety of hunderts of blankets, uncaring of the poor children outside on the street beside the estate, freezing to death while only having eachother to keep warm. This thought was making her sick.

How could she solve this problem? She thought long and hard, but she knew now.

While being born as a human, Muzan was never a good person, she realized that now. Born with a sickness that would cost his life, he was raised into arrogance. While she could sympathy for him, at the same time she could not. She saw people like him before and while she hoped she wouldn't have to resolve to more aggressive means, there was clearly noway out of it now. There was noway she could leave him alive.

„What are you talking about?! Answer me when I ask you a question! And stop right there don't come nearer!", the man started rambling, crawling away from the approaching woman. The weather outside began to roughen up, as if announcing a tragedy that was about to happen, never for a single soul to discover except for the two sole actors.

Once his back hit the wall, lightning struck outside hitting a tree and setting it ablaze. The lights illuminated the woman's face once more, revealing a crazed look in her eyes, while her soft lips wore a deadly smirk. Her hand began to rise, rise up to his face, cupping his cheeks lovingly before she leaned down and looked at his eyes, while Muzan closed them.

„C'mon, open up your eyes", the woman whispered all so sweetly. Slowly the young man opened his eyes only for them to widen as he saw the soft look on hers. That's when he realized that all his fear might have been for nothing, as the woman before him seemed to be clearly human, to be able to show such contrast in her emotions. As she leaned closer, Muzan felt his heart speeding up, anticipating the next seconds, hoping to experience what men his age normally would. Love. Wether it was love only shared through physical touch or love kept on a higher, emotional level. He didn't care.

As her lips touched his, he felt his eyes closing and his heart exploding with life. Never before had he felt like this. It felt as if his whole body was on fire, as if her could get up, forget about his illness, run out and the weight of the whole world. While he was feeling more alive than he ever had before, his conscience beck to slip away. His happy moment only lasted for a few second for as he indeed had a kiss with death.

Pulling away the woman looked down at the limp body she held in her arms. His skin seemed paler than when she arrived, his face more sunken and his arms more fragile. However the never ending scowl that usually dressed his face was replaced by a serene expressing as if he waited so long for this day to come. For the day he would finally find peace.

The woman laid the corps down, enveloping into with a blanket, making it seem as if he died peacefully while sleeping.

Standing up her soft eyes turned cold once again, her smile was replaced by an emotionless facade and her thoughts distasteful.

„I'm sorry, but it's for the better. You could never be good.", taking one last glance at the corps, the woman turned around to leave, white mist surrounding her before she disappeared never to be seen again.

„She's guilty, clearly!!"

„But she saved humanity!"

„Who cares if she saved humanity? We never interfered, so why should it be ok that she did now?!"

„Calm down, she did the right thing, and you know it. Just because you were never on good terms with her, doesn't mean you can make her responsible for everything and talk her good decisions bad!"

„Fine then! But she still needs to be punished!"

„Don't worry I have the perfect idea"

Hey, sorry I'm a bit late ehehehe.
But really much stuff happened, two dear people to me died, I got diagnosed with a discus crack on my right wrist and so on. I've been not so well, often being unmotivated and down, thinking of myself as undeserving of many things.

But hey! Good things happened too! I got my driving license, yay. Now I'm driving around in my (future) car and with my beloved moped (a silver Simson s51 enduro, I'm so proud honestly) around and having fun.

Also not to long ago we analyzed "the tell-tale heart" by Edgar Allan Poe in English classes and I was so inspired lol (also my inner bsd fangirl was acting up when I heard the name lol)

Also only the epilogue to go! Did you understand what y/n did or was it to complicated? Idk
For short she unalived Micheal Jackson wannabe before he could turn into a demon, resulting in demons to never exist in the first place but ye that's kind of open end-ish?

Also I think my writing style improved looking back to chap number un, what do you guys think?

Anyways till next chap, bye bye

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