Intimate Details

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    Senku's eyebrow twitched for the umpteenth time with annoyance. He was busy making adjustments to the boat, and it seemed that everyone didn't realize he needed to focus. They had been peeking in at him for hours now, just giving him a calculated stare. They usually leave after a few seconds, but Ryusui seemed intent to watch him forever. He shoots a glare over his shoulder when he hears a laugh after a harsh electric shock. "If you're just going to stand there, then do something productive, at least!" He huffed out.

   Ryusui seemed to not hear him, but he knows he just got blatantly ignored. He has a feeling he knows why everyone is giving him weird stares today. Yesterday, he was talking to Ginro when bathing came up. He invited him to join Kinro and the other male villagers and go up to the hot springs for their annual cleansing. Senku politely declined and tried to get back to work, but Ginro had been insistent. He was more than a little irritated when he let out, "Some things I want to keep to myself, can't you respect my privacy!" He was shocked when it had originally come out of his mouth, not trying to get defensive.

     But instead of being apologetic, Ginro continued to press why he was so defensive since they were all guys. Senku took to ignoring him after that and was thankfully left alone. It seems word had spread about his preference, and everyone was a little too curious for his liking. He had his reasons and was a little ticked that they were pressuring him so hard. The only three people he had ever trusted that information were Byakuya, Taiju, and Yuzuriha. Taiju may be a muscle head, but his morals made it so Senku knew ten billion percent that he, nor Yuzuriha, would give under the pressure.

    That gave him a little but of reassurance but didn't help this situation either. He wiped the sweat off his brow, the weather getting hotter and his annoyance, making the temperature feel even warmer. He finally finished the part he was working on, pleased with the results. He had been working on the more complex parts of the engine for the past couple of days, the engine nearing completion now. He sits on his chair and goes limp as he lets his muscles finally loosen.

    He noticed that Ryusui had left somewhere in the middle of his musings, not that he minded one bit. He lifts his arm and gives a tentative sniff, nose scrunched up at the unpleasant odor. He realizes that in his hyperfocus, he has neglected his own personal hygiene. He sighs and goes to the observatory to gather his supplies. They have soap, shampoo, and conditioner now, and he was planning on taking full advantage.

    Where he goes to bathe is a little far for his liking, but it assures privacy. He walks to the river, at least it's building up his stamina, and gets there in about 15 minutes. He sets his supplies down on a stable part and stretches. He stood there listening for a moment before narrowing his eyes. It was too quiet, even with the river flowing loudly. He quickly turns around, scanning the treeline. He catches sight of a gleam coming from one of the trees, the tip of a spear showing. He rolls his eyes, reaching into his supplies.

    "If you don't want to face the same fate as Hyoga , I suggest you give me my privacy," He says with a straight face. It turns to wicked in an instant as he catches Ginros's eyes. "I decided to add another 100,000 volts to the stun gun I used on Hyoga, I would love to test it out." He watches as Ginro turns tail and runs, squealing until he is out of hearing range. Senku rolled his eyes and scanned the treeline again. When he was satisfied that he was alone, he started unbuttoning his top. It falls off his shoulders as the clothing piece hits the ground. He had taken off his shoes prior, so now he was left in the primal underwear he could make in this stone world.

    He finishes lining up the supplies before slipping out of his undergarment, quick to get into the water afterward. The refreshing cold still sent a shiver up his spine but ultimately was better than sweating his ass off. He lathers the soap and gets to work at scrubbing the weeks grime off of himself. He was rinsing the shampoo out of his hair when he heard leaves crushing somewhere behind him. He pretends not to notice and nonchalantly turns around, using the guise of reaching for his conditioner. He glances up and sees Gen's nervous face staring right back at him. He blinks once, then twice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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