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The sun rises on a new day, its warmth filtering through the curtains, illuminating the resolve in Inder's eyes. He stands before his sister-in-law, Nisha, a plea in his voice and a determined look on his face.

Inder (earnestly): Bhabhi Ma, I really need you to come with me and take Jwala to her college, please. Trust me, everything will be alright.

Nisha, though hesitant, remains cautious. She knows the consequences of defying the family's wishes, especially in her husband Rana's absence.

Nisha (sighs): Okay, okay, fine. But, Bhai Sa, I'm telling you, this is a bad idea. Rana Sa is out of town, and I think we should wait for him to come back.

Inder understands the risk. If his elder brother gets wind of this plan, he'll likely oppose it vehemently. Knowing this, Inder pleads with Nisha, fully aware that convincing her is his only chance.

Inder (imploringly): Bhabhi Ma, please, at least trust me. Everything will turn out fine.

Nisha is apprehensive, well aware of the explosive reaction that Shivraj might have upon discovering their intentions. She feels the weight of the impending turmoil within the family.

Despite her concerns, Nisha eventually agrees, albeit reluctantly, swayed by Inder's earnest plea.

Nisha (sighs, resigned): Alright, but I hope you know what you're doing. Rana sa is going to be furious when he finds out about this.

With their decision made, Inder and Nisha prepare to leave for the Gangwal house, knowing that their actions could invite trouble, especially from Shivraj, who might not take this well. However, convinced that it's for the best, they set out, determined to handle the situation in their own way.








The Gangwal family is gathered in the living room, their expressions mirroring a blend of concern and warmth. Suddenly, a car pulls up to the gate, and Nisha steps out, radiating a smile. She enters the living room, and her presence instantly lights up the room.

Nisha (greeting with a warm smile): Good morning, everyone!

All eyes turn towards her, and a wave of relief washes over the faces of her family members. Her mother, Laxmi, rushes to embrace her, drowning her in a heartfelt hug.

Laxmi (tearfully): Nishu, my child, how are you?

Nisha reciprocates her mother's embrace, smiling through the emotional moment.

Nisha: I'm fine, Mummy. How are you?

Her father, Ramesh, joins in the affectionate reunion, hugging Nisha with fatherly warmth. Each family member takes their turn, enveloping Nisha in love and warmth, ecstatic to have her back.

As the family settles down, they notice Inder standing at the door with a smile adorning his face. Nemishlal, the family patriarch, addresses Inder with curiosity.

Nemishlal (cheerfully): Chote Yuvraj , why are you standing there? Please come.....

Inder enters the room, grinning warmly. He respectfully bends down to touch Nemishlal's feet, surprising the elder with his gesture. Nemishlal is taken aback by Inder's respectful act.

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