Chapter 1: Intervention

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( enjoy! this is my very first saw x reader sooooo I'm gonna try my hardest to fit the timelines lol! )

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( enjoy! this is my very first saw x reader sooooo I'm gonna try my hardest to fit the timelines lol! )

"Have you been feeling any discomfort in the last 24 hours?"  You said looking down at the chart, seeing the name 'Cecil' who was in front of you a total mess. He was scratching at his right arm looking down almost ashamed. You could see a bruise right above his vein— a needle mark. You knew what it was without even asking him.

"Cecil, if you're gonna stay here and get better you need to be honest with me and yourself. If you lie to Dr. Tuck it is gonna be hell for you. People already take enough from her." You said, sighing as you slammed the clipboard down on the table beside the box of gloves and sink.

"I've been trying! I keep on tellin' ya'll I'm working in and out to get rid of the temptations.." Cecil said as he looked up at you shrugging his shoulders at the thought of being kicked out. This was the only place he had besides the run-down apartment he and his girlfriend had.

"I'm giving you one month to get a good report, drug test, and therapy results." You said to sign off the signature to get Cecil's medicine filled.

"Thank you, y/n..Can I get a slip for it?" Cecil asked, hopping off the exam table his mood brightening up just a little bit. You handed the slip to him and opened the door as he departed from you. 'I can never get a break, huh?' you thought to yourself as you put a hand up to you're face trying to get a mental break. For just a few seconds. Once you cleaned up the appointment room and left the office you made your way to the office of Dr. Tuck. She was the brightest and happiest person you've seen in your line of hospital work. You knocked on her door hoping you weren't interrupting a patient's appointment.

"Tuck? Could I talk to you for a minute? I have something urgent." You said holding the clipboard in you're hand as you stood outside Tuck's door waiting for it to open.

"I'm so sorry y/n! I was busy ending a call. Come on in." Dr. Tuck said hanging up the phone on her desk as she smiled at you while writing something down in her notebook.

"It's fine! I've just meant to give this file on Cecil to you." You said walking into her office and closing the door behind you handing the papers to her.

"Thank you I've been meaning to check up on him since he's on a new prescription," Jill said smiling back at you motioning for you to sit down in the seat in front of her, which you did. You watched her as she opened it reading through the information labeled on it. "I see. I've known Cecil for a long time. He's been here ever since my training. He and Amanda are my best bets on recovery being proven successful." Jill said, closing the file and looking down with lost hope in her eyes, as she sat it down.

You saw just how bad this place was affecting her emotionally and mentally. Just seeing how drained and sad-looking her eyes looked under the pale light hanging over the office desk. You slowly slid your hand over to her glancing at her wedding ring for a minute before lightly squeezing it in yours. "I know how draining this can be for you. It's not easy for the patients but, you know you can take a break knowing you did everything in your power to get them better help. It seems cruel to say this but, you can't help people who don't wanna help themselves." She just looked at you for a few seconds before sniffling and nodding her head in agreement with you. Almost like a silent way of saying she did need a break and  was just too afraid of giving up on her patients. It doesn't take an idiot to know most people in rehabilitation centers aren't believing in themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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