2. The missunderstanding

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Cycling for hours was exhausting. Especially as the navis gave me the wrong way, which made the route one and a half hour longer...stupid navi!!!! I could hardly see anything, as it was already dark and only the moon help me see the road a little. No streetlights were there; on both sides on the road were either fields or forest not a single soul in sight, till I could see a little light in the distance.

Finally I made it! The spoke up, it made me lose control of the bike and I drove right into a bush "You have reached your destination" "Shut up you!!!!"

Drained in sweat, out of breath and covered in dirt I reached the gates of an estate. It took me a minute to inform two guards what I am doing here, showing the letter as proof. They looked at me with suspicion, as one made a phone call. After minutes have passed by I was escorted by a fancy dressed man with a tiny ponytail to the mansion. Inside it was...quiet...dead quite, you can hear a needle fall in a place like that. Instead of that, we kept on moving towards a large door. A young woman with long hair, glasses and in a green suit moved her ice cold eyes towards us.

"Is that her, Walter?"

"Yes, Sir Integra"

"That would be all Walter, you may leave" he made a little bow before leaving us alone.

"The letter if you please" I gave it to her before backing away. She terrifies me with her eyes.

" So Miss...Corrie McMellan? You should be aware I won't tolerate for you to be late...again. She said the 'again' part in a very dangerous manner, as I realized what she said.

"Miss? There's been a big misunderstanding"

"How come?" she questioned while opening the envelope. All of a sudden, her voice sounded a lot...nicer.

" Im Miss N/A, Corrie is a friend of mine. She asked me if I could send this paper to you. Still, I apologize for being terribly late...I had to travel by bike you see.

She stopped reading the letter and looked at me in surprise "Why didn't you send it? I would have been a lot easier for you"

"What???? She said it has to be delivered in person!!!" I couldn't wait to meet Corrie, only to kill her, she so going to pay for that!

"Ah I see, that's why" Integra let the paper fall on her desk before facing me, her head resting on her fold up hands "She sends you instead... to replace her"

"Excuse me?"

"She didn't tell you?"


"It doesn't matter now, you are here that's all it matters"

"It matters to me!"

"Anyway!" She ignored my complaint as she ordered me to follow her through the mansion. It was still dead as before. She opened a door to reveal... a massive bedroom. In the centre was Walter, waiting for me. He was told by Sir Integra to clean me up and get everything ready for bed. Any complain I made was ignored by both of them. What the hell is going on???

The butler left me in bed, dressed in a black nightgown, turning of the light and wishing me a good night. I was too tired to care anymore, or even argue with Corrie on the phone. She probably won't even pick up. With all that anger I have towards her... I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

I'm sure they me tell me about it in the morning.

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