016 - And The World Held Its Breath

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"I'll get Rachel," Angela said, racing from the room. "Rachel? Rachel, sweetie, come on," Angela called in a hurry, gently shaking her daughter awake. "You've gotta get up."

"What is it? Is Kory back?" Rachel asked, sitting up.

"No. It's Hazel. She's sick. Come on," Angela ordered, pulling Rachel from her bed.

Gar held Hazel close as her body twitched under his hold, a choking sound coming from her mouth as blood dripped from her eyes, nose and corners of her lips, spilling over her skin. Rachel threw the door open and gasped, her hands shooting up to cover her mouth. "Hazel. Haze, can you hear me?" Rachel called, dropping next to Hazel, her hands pressing against her arm. "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know," Gar mumbled, the grip he had on Hazel's hand tightening. "I came to check on her and she was just on the floor."

A knock on the downstairs door made the three look up. "Maybe it's Dick," Rachel offered.

"Stay here with them. I'll go check," Angela ordered before running downstairs.

"Haze," Rachel called, brushing her hair back.

"Can you heal her?" Gar asked hopefully.

Rachel let the black consume her eyes, but it went away as fast as it came. "I can't, it's like something's blocking me," Rachel said, shaking her head. "Mom! I can't stop the bleeding!" Rachel called, her voice echoing around the old house. "Hurry!" Rachel turned back to Hazel, looking over the blood that continued to fall across Hazel's face, "I can't even make her pain go away. Mom!"

Angela and a man ran upstairs stopping in front of the door. The man paused before dropping to kneel by Hazel. "How long has she been like this?"

"We don't know," Rachel answered in a nervous voice.

"She was fine a few hours ago," Angela added.

"It's gonna be okay," The man assured. "I'm a police officer." He pulled out a phone and clicked a button on the side but did nothing. "I just charged it."

"There's a landline in the kitchen," Angela spoke up.

"I'll be right back, okay?" The man assured before rushing downstairs.

"It's gonna be all right," Angela nodded as Rachel's head dropped and she sobbed.

A minute later Angela rushed back up the stairs. "Is he getting help?" Gar asked.

"He went into town to get the doctor, but Hazel's getting worse," Angela assessed. Hazel groaned again and the lights crackled lightly, her veins glowing for a split second. "What was that?"

"Hazel," Gar mumbled, recalling the train and how the lights seemed to react to her mood. "She did it on the train as well."

"We can't wait. You're gonna have to help her," Angela spoke up, looking at Rachel.

Rachel's head shot up. "Me?"

"You can do it. You can heal her," Angela nodded.

"I can't it's like she's blocking me," Rachel said, shaking her head.

"Rachel, look at me," Angela ordered. "You have your father's gifts, and you need to use them now to save your friend's life." Hazel sputtered, her body shifting further into Gar on instinct. "You can do it." Rachel took a breath and placed her hand on Hazel's forehead, her power coursing through Hazel. "Good. It's working."

Rachel took a deep breath and Hazel sputtered. Hazel harshly coughed, blood spilling from her mouth and running down her neck and onto the floor. "What's happening?" Gar questioned, trying to wipe the blood away.

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