His body tgen gave up, slowly collapsing down on the bed, his face being heated so much troughout that just the thought of something like that knocked him out. Amaryllis laughed heartily. "Mhm, good for you..~" She then said, leaving the room, continuing her bussiness.

"Now I can finally take a ba-"

"Whats that text?"

"The meeting? But there wouldn't be one today right?!"

"Ugh.. Nevermind."


Requested by: Mitsuko_0410

Note: This is about Asmodeus thinking about how Iruma doesn't know anything basic about the Netherworld. This was a lot of fun to write, I also tried making the messages between them a bit easier to read with the font.


Asmodeus stared up at his wall, pondering. It was dark, already past midnight, yet he couldn't sleep. He was worried about his master, Iruma, who he had only known for two weeks now. In fact, he was so worried, he hadn't been able to sleep at all in the past two days.

Really, his master was something else.

Asmodeus thought that Iruma was a bit strange, not in the weird kind, but more in the mysterious kind. Iruma didn't know a thing of the demon world, and it had been shoved around his mind for a few weeks. He had been brought up so incredibly sheltered that he didn't even know what ranks were, let alone all the dangerous things in the Netherworld itself.

He wanted to make sure his master was safe at all times, as that was only proper for a servant, but something he didn't want to do was appear too energetic or caring. His master had been kind to him so far, but what if that all suddenly changed? Maybe his kind act was all a lie? He didn't know what to think or do. Iruma seemed so mysterious to him that he was guessing his every word and thought, hoping for something that would make more sense.

Then suddenly, his phone bleeped. He looked at it, seeing a message appear, but decided to ignore it, pondering more. He, however, then realized it was in fact, a message from his master, and decided to look at it.

The message read;
Hi, Azz. I just wanted to check if your phone number worked, I don't really know how to use the hellphone yet. I hope I didn't accedentally wake you up with this message, and if I did, I'm really sorry!
Have a good night,

Asmodeus stared at the text, before sprawling his limbs out like a starfish, holding the phone tightly in his hand. A moment later he decided to send a text back.

It read;
Hi there, Iruma. The phone number works fine, I ensured you before that I'd remembered it correctly. And no need to worry, you haven't woken me up, however, I have to ask, why are you still awake this late? Its almost 3AM, you should go to sleep.

He wanted a moment, seeing the boy texting him back, although it took a long while before the message sent.

It read;
Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Im glad I didn't wake you up, but I'm surprised you're awake aswell. I tried sleeping ever since 9, but I just haven't been able to fall asleep. I keep thinking of how the outside world works, I mean, its all so pretty. I want to know everything about this world, but everything seems pretty dangerous and hard, you know?

Asmodeus read the text, smiling slightly. Maybe it wasn't all that bad teaching him about the world?

He replied back;
Don't worry about the outside world for now, I can teach you more about it tomorrow if you'd like. Theres no need to try and rush things either, it'll come naturally or with time. If you want to talk more about it, I'll listen. And I couldn't sleep either, I had to finish the homework Kalego gave us.

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