Chapter Twenty-One

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The order for this one was: tomatoes, steamed green beans, chopped-up steamed red potatoes, hard boiled eggs, half a can of chick peas, and pieces of bacon to finish it off.

Before I had we had even gone shopping this morning I had asked Will what he likes. When he had heard me say salad, he immediately thought of lettuce, but for what I was doing I wouldn't need lettuce. He wrote down a bunch of things on a piece of paper and left the rest for me to figure out.

Having thought of the idea after I figured out that he'd just get take-out. It must have been a regular thing to get take-out because when I went to put the clean dishes away that had dried over night I had found a bunch of take-home menus in a drawer, hidden under a bunch of kitchenware.

It made me annoyed for some reason when I found the menus. Seeing as I was a pretty good cook and he hadn't once complained about my food, it surprised me that he never once asked if I could make him something to take to work. As I was both his friend and 'girlfriend', I felt like I should at least do something to help around here.

He was, after all, letting me stay here for free.

I do my best to try and not get any food on his laptop that sat on the island in front of me. It was turned off, or sleeping, but I just couldn't find it in myself to move it as I was both too busy making sure I was finished with his lunch before he had to go to work.

It took all but one mere spillage for me to get more then irritated at the damn thing that's hogging the counter space. Wiping my hands with a rag, I quickly close off the jar with a lid and then grab the laptop and take it with me as I walk into the living room.

I found him sitting there, on the couch, watching the sports channel. Annoyed, I gently place the laptop on the coffee table, but sure I'm blocking his view of the TV as I did so. When I spot a bunch of blankets on the floor that had fallen off the chair, I make it myself duty to pick them up and make sure that he had no way of getting a clear vision of the television.

This goes on for about two minutes before he's had enough, and the TV goes black as he turns it off. I could feel him staring at me from across the room, but I made no-such move to look at him as I folded the blankets.

"This because of the take-out menus?" He asks curiously.

I let out a low chuckle, shaking my head. "As you can see, all I'm doing is folding these blankets. What would make you think I was doing anything but such?"

"Oh, well, I don't know. Maybe it's because this entire time since you entered the room, all I've gotten a clear look at was your ass." He tells me, and I could feel a heat spreading to my cheeks.

"Really? I had no idea." I say innocently, because that's what I was. I had no clue that's all he could see, but now that it was, I didn't feel that bad about blocking the TV.

"Now, why don't I believe you?" He questions as I see him walk up to me from the corner of my eye. I choose to ignore him as I go to grab another blanket, but find out that was the wrong decision as I'm suddenly lifted off the ground.

Letting out a loud squeal, the strong pair of arms that were wrapped around my waist tighten, the grip that he had on me being strong. Spinning my around I hear Will's laughter emit into the room, echoing off the walls. It was bright, excited, and a happy; his laughter. And it seemed like only on occasion was it that I got to hear it.

I don't even bother to ask him to put me down as he does it himself as he stumbles backwards with me still in his arms. It obvious he was dizzy, but that doesn't stop him for gently digging the tips of his fingers into the pressure points in my sides, sending an electric shock up my spin. His fingers begin to move in all different directions, tickling me.

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