Goodness Me!

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I want to be good enough
To write what I want to say
Precise in every sentence
And I want that today
But what I desire
For my present
Only my future sees
Desire alone
Does not a good man make
Good men may speak well
But they only write for the sake
Of good
Writers cannot be good alone
Because good
Is not good enough
Peculiar thing
What good is
How it can be good
Without needing the time
To be so
If good did not exist
What would I even strive for
But I know that it does
That it is
I can reach it
And time is the bridge
Can't I though
Just be good?
Or is there something to learn
In the process
Why would it matter?
If I'm good though
Without learning to be
And is good really
Good enough
There's always better
As long as there is more time
I need more time
So it is time then
Time that decides
Whether good
Is good enough
Before better

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