eight-mile - rewritten

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eren interrupts us, "later, lovebirds." turning to him, he's already walking back to his apartment. my body sinks at the sight; disappointed. in both the fact that i have to leave, and at the meek goodbye he spares. jean deflates for a different reason, letting out a big sigh, "wait in the car, yeah?" although, he doesn't mean it as a question.

jean pushes past me as i make my way to the passenger seat. it's weird knowing i'm going to his lakehouse with my bag full of textbooks. it's unsettling, but it's not like i could have done much to prepare, anyway.

looking out his window, i see him talking to an increasingly grumpy eren. jean's annoyed about something, continuing to press into him. trying to make out their lips, i can't read anything. sighing aggravatingly, i push my back against his seat as i use the controls to lower it into a more comfortable position.

the driver's door opens as jean gets himself settled. he starts up his car, "hot or cold," he asks, already messing with the air conditioning. "hot," i reply quickly.

"how did eren treat you?" he phrases it like a taunt, but the concern laced in his voice tells me he isn't a fan of eren's presence around me.

kicking my shoes off, i prop my legs up on his seat. "like he was housing a great royal," i tease back.

"ha ha," he fake laughs, "how did he really?" any sarcastic tone he had before is gone now.. letting his worries break through his voice. it made me feel less confident in my heart's decision to trust eren. jean's clearly holding something against him.. enough to be considerably worried. something i see on him very occasionally. my stomach turns at the thought.

"not bad. definitely not bad," i answer him honestly, "even made me breakfast, one could call him hospitable."

jean's brows furrow as he stares into my eyes, trying to read them. "i still hate him," he decides with a sigh as he taps his fingers against the wheel.

"keep telling yourself that and you might believe it," i joke as i realize he still hasn't made any move to reverse out of the parking spot, "aren't you going to start the car?"

"eren still has to get his shit," he complains with a huff.

"huh?" my mouth falls open in surprise, ".. he's coming with?" i have a hard time hiding my excitement behind my tone. "yep," he sighs, having a hard time covering his discontent. my tumultuous feelings completely evaporate with the idea of eren coming to the lakehouse. i wish i had more control over my emotions.. it's humiliating that the simple thought of eren's presence next to me brings so much bliss.

"oh? it didn't seem that way this morning," i probe, knowing eren really didn't phrase it like he would be tagging along.

"well, yeah, he tried to slither out of it like the snake he is," he laughs lightly at his own joke, "mikasa threatened my life if i didn't get him to come, so i chose one torture over the other." laughing at the genuine fear crossing his face, "ah, smart decision," i rip into him, although i couldn't blame him. it'd be stupid to put yourself on mikasa's bad side.

jean raises his hand to lightly poke my shoulder, "oh," he blurts, changing the conversation, "sash and i have been getting everything straightened out with the dorm. i'm sure she'll tell you all about it, so i won't bother."

"hah, it is expected of her," my joke comes out weakly. one thing i definitely can't cover is my apprehension about the break in. i'm acutely brought back to reality; harshly reminded why we're even taking this trip.

the backdoor opens, thudding of the door pulling my from my thoughts. eren's bag hits the seat, but i don't bother to look back to him. "c'mon cupcake. get driving," he smacks jean's cheek, resulting in a very unhappy expression covering his face.

bloodsucker | eren jaegerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon