Exodus and Exiles

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Hello everyone. Happy Holidays and welcome to the final chapter of Lessons Learned. Now, some fair warning. None of the aligned continuity that I've been exposed to is very clear as to what happened to the Ark or all the other Autobots aboard her. So having said that, I decided to go my own way after Exiles and improvise. I just hope this chapter doesn't' seem too rushed.

June sighed as she looked down at the desk that she had used for all of Arcees' lessons up until now.

"Are you okay June?" Arcee asked her recently reformatted Maximal sister.

"Yeah." June replied, looking up at her. "It just seems surreal."

"I know what you mean." Mike "Cheetor" Fowler added as he stepped into the classroom. He'd spent the day before reading up on all the lessons Arcee had already gone over to get up to speed for this lesson. "It's hard to believe you were ever that small."

"Pretty much." June agreed as she took a seat next to her kids. Once the last of the Camien students were seated, Arcee began her final lesson.

"Alright everyone, first off, are there any questions about the last lesson?" She nodded at Mikes' raised hand.

"How come only team Prime end up on Earth when so many autobots left on the Ark?" He asked.

"That will be explained in todays' lesson." Arcee answered. "Now, I'm only going by what was written about the Arks' journey through space since I didn't come along until later."

Arcee looked at her notes before beginning. "After Teletrann-1 locked onto the Allsparks location, the Ark began its search for it. The ships first port of call was the lost colony world of Velocitron." She switched on the hologram projector, showing a world that seemed to be comprised of raceways.

"Okay." Mike laughed. "I totally want to try and run that."

"You'd fit right in." Arcee laughed. "Velocitron had originally been an experimental world for racing and speed enthusiasts. However, after the rust plague, it became a way of life."

"During the planets' greatest race, The Speedia, Optimus ordered an Autobot named Silverbolt to fly over the racecourse as it finished. This showed the Velocitronians that there were other ways besides that of speed."

The image on the projector changed to a red and white femme with a gold face. "This showing convinced Override, one of the planets' leaders, to allow The Ark to land for repairs." She looked back at her class. "Once word spread, several Velocitronians flocked to join the Autobots, the main three relevant to this lesson were Clocker, Mainspring, and Blurr."

"During the repairs, Optimus decided to explore the planet." Arcee continued. "Following a vision from the Matrix, Optimus found a piece of metal that he at first believed was part of the Star Saber."

"Well, we know that it wasn't the Star saber." Lightbright interrupted. "So, what was it?"

"I'll come to that." Arcee answered before continuing. "Upon returning with the piece, Blurr informed Optimus that the Speedias' trophy he won had a similar piece attached to it. Unfortunately, a series of bombs went off in the Ark, sabotaging it before any further investigations could begin."

"Who sabotaged it?" Raf asked.

"Apparently, a Decepticon shifter had made his way aboard and planted the devices." Arcee explained. "He also began turning various Velocitronians against us, including another ruler of Velocitron named Ransack. The final stroke, however, came when he signaled the Nemesis to Velocitron."

"You mean the Decepticons went to Velocitron too?" Nautica asked.

"Unfortunately." Arcee confirmed. "Their arrival sparked off the planets' own civil war. The Ark was forced to make an emergency departure. We never knew what happened after that." There was a moment of silence as Arcee checked her notes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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