Episode 3

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I'm sorry.... I forgot about Monday's update lol

I had school and I was tired

so today yall get 2 episodes

Hinata blushed at what Kageyama just said

Hinata: e-eh? h-how can you love someone you just me (someone like me...)

Kageyama could see a hint of sadness in his eyes

Hinata: and besides, I'm a boy too!

Kageyama: so?, you're different from them

Hinata: how?

Kageyama: you're not a gold digger...., and besides your cute

He cupped the tangerine's face with one hand making Hinata to blush madly and turn his face away.

He was about to kiss him again when

at that exact moment

someone was knocking on the door


Nishinoya: CAR-GAY-YAM-AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

This caused Hinata to laugh a bit which made Kageyama embarrassed


Hinata: (our second-years really are complete idiots)

Kageyama: WILL YOU TWO EVER SHUT UP?!?!?!?!

He walked over and unlocked the door, falling over immediately because Tanaka and Nishinoya were leaning on it when it opened

Kageyama: GET OFF!

Tanaka: chill out

Nishinoya: rude much

They both looked around the classroom and spotted Hinata sitting on the table still laughing

Tanaka: who's the kid?

Hinata stopped laughing immediately and looked at the three second-years who were now staring at him

Hinata: My name's Hinata Shoyo!!. Nice to meet you!! *bows*

Tanaka: heh

Kageyama: why didn't you bow to me?

Hinata: you're uncool

Nishinoya: I'm starting to like this kid already

Tanaka: it's true though, you're only cool on the court

Hinata: (oh yeah, he does play nicely), I wanted to show you guys something

He brought out his notepad but it was all crumpled thanks to a certain blondy from the last episode

Kageyama: what's that?

Hinata sighed and he could hear the sadness in it

Hinata: n-nevermind, it's all crumpled now thanks to Aiko


Hinata stared at him for a moment looking very confused

Hinata: YOU KNOW?!


Kageyama: word does travel fast around here

Nishinoya: YOU'RE FAMOUS!, in a good way (i think)

Hinata: wow... lucky me..

Nishinoya: you drew Kageyama?

Now it was Kageyama's turn to stare confused

Kageyama: huh?

The tangerine looked VERY flustered for a moment before responding

Hinata: n-no it was just a sketch

Tanaka: a sketch of Kageyama?

Hinata: what?, no, of the game you guys played

All three of them stared at him for a while before Nishinoya remembered

Nishinoya: OHHHH, the one against Nekoma

Hinata: yeah...

Tanaka: why'd you draw the game..., or.. the players

Hinata: well, I can analyze any game and the players' strengths and weaknesses, an example:

Tanaka and Nishinoya are both extremely good players when it comes to both offense and defense but you goof around a little too much sometimes which throws you off your game

Tanaka: ....

Nishinoya: ..........

Hinata: Kageyama can set amazingly but he can't control his anger at times, which sometimes brings the team down

Kageyama: (he said I set amazingly)

He blushed at the thought of being complimented by his loved one

Hinata: he has to focus some of that anger when he sets the ball , or he'll be stuck in that situation, but he mustn't focus too much anger or it'll be more of a problem

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Hinata: he has to focus some of that anger when he sets the ball , or he'll be stuck in that situation, but he mustn't focus too much anger or it'll be more of a problem

Tanaka: whoa..

Kageyama: you're good

Nishinoya: but do you actually play?

Hinata: that part is still a work in progress

Tanaka: at least you're good at something

Kageyama: even though you're totally useless (crap, that wasn't what I wanted to say)

Suzuki: this giving me Tamura vibes from YBC anime lol (I'm sorry)

Hinata: EXCUSE ME?!

Kageyama: (I'm doomed)


Kageyama: I know.. *mumbles* you're more perfect though..

Hinata: what?

Tanaka: (these two hopefully.....)

Nishinoya: (.....get along just fine)


Just then, the bell rang, ending lunch

Nishinoya: well we'd better get going

Tanaka: see ya

The two dunces walked out the door leaving Hinata and Kageyama alone once again ;)

That's it for this episode


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