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The next day arrived, and Carly met with Pearl in the park they used to visit. They found a quiet bench and began their conversation, seeking to resolve their past and potentially find some closure.

Meanwhile, Freddie, still grappling with the recent events, headed to the Pear Store to get a new phone. As he navigated the store, he couldn't help but think about his conversation with Sam and the looming conversation he would need to have with Carly.

Carly and Pearl sat on the park bench, ready to have a candid conversation.

Carly: (calm) "Pearl, I agreed to meet with you because I want to understand. Our past relationship left me with a lot of questions, and it has been affecting my current relationship. What do you want to say?"

Pearl: (apologetic) "Carly, I'm here to apologize. I'm truly sorry for how I  got in the middle of you and Freddie. I was wrong  and unfair to  your relationship. I never meant to hurt you."

Their conversation was a chance for Pearl to express her remorse and for Carly to seek some resolution regarding their relationship.

Pearl, after offering her apology, continued the conversation by addressing the topic of Freddie.

Pearl: (reflective) "Carly, I can see that you and Freddie are going through a tough time. I've been following your social media, and it's clear that you two love each other. I don't want to be the cause of any more complications. I just hope you and Freddie can find a way to work through this."

Carly appreciated Pearl's understanding and her willingness to let go of any lingering tensions, although she still had questions and concerns to address with her

Pearl wanted to clarify her intentions regarding her past involvement with Freddie.

Pearl: (honest) "Carly, I want you to know that I wasn't trying to steal Freddie from you. I had my reasons for dating him at the time, but I didn't intend to cause you pain. I know it was complicated, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

She hoped that this clarification would help Carly understand her perspective and potentially lead to a resolution between them.

Carly considered Pearl's words carefully before responding.

Carly: (thoughtful) "Pearl, I appreciate your honesty, and I believe you didn't intend to hurt me. Your past is complicated, and I want to move forward. I'm working on my relationship with Freddie, and I hope we can both find a way to forgive and heal."

Carly's response reflected her willingness to let go of the past and focus on her current relationship with Freddie.

Pearl wanted to provide some clarity regarding her recent encounter with Freddie.

Pearl: (explaining) "Carly, when Freddie said he loved me, he was clarifying that it was love as a friend. He never intended it in a romantic way. I hope you understand that there was a misunderstanding, and he's committed to your relationship."

She wanted to ensure that Carly had the full context of the conversation with Freddie, as it was important to clear up any misconceptions that had arisen.

Carly, relieved to hear Pearl's clarification, exhaled and responded.

Carly: (relieved) "Thank you for letting me know, Pearl. It's good to have that cleared up. I'm glad he was being honest with me. I want to work things out with him and put this behind us."

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