Chapter 1.3 - First Impression Matters

Start from the beginning

Despite his internal skepticism regarding the school's magnanimity, Ayanokouji didn't see any benefit in confronting Chabashira about it. Engaging might elevate his status within the class, it might even mark him as the leader of his class, but the prospect held no allure for him.

Chabashira, noting the absence of questions, concluded, "Well, it appears no one has any questions. I hope that you enjoy your time here as students." Her voice carried a finality that signaled the end of the orientation.

With a final, measured glance at the class, she pivoted gracefully and exited the room.

Ayanokouji's sigh was almost inaudible. "So this is Japan's most prestigious high school," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else.

Horikita, seated beside him, turned sharply. "It appears to be extremely lenient, doesn't it?" she remarked.

Caught off guard by his own audible musings, Ayanokouji nodded. "Yes, but..."

He trailed off, his fingers idly tapping on the cover of the ANHS Student Handbook, his mind turning to the many rules it imposed on students.

Despite all the restrictions ANHS imposed on its students, it was almost negligible considering the amenities it provided. In fact, it would even be an understatement to say they were given preferential treatment. 

After all, they were transported to a high-end mini-city they were free to explore, an academic institution that guarantees their future, and on top of that, they were provided a seemingly unconditional stipend to ensure they lead lavish lives during their stay. 

"That... makes it all the more suspicious," Ayanokouji found himself saying.

Horikita's eyes narrowed, reflecting a mirroring thought. "I also think the same. The preferential treatment... is too much, even for this institution," she replied.

Like Ayanokouji, the raven-haired girl found herself skeptic about the orientation which seemed to paint Advanced Nurturing High School as a paradise where students could live out the school life of their dreams.

To her, there was an enigmatic layer to the school, a carefully draped veil over its true nature, despite Chabashira's seemingly transparent explanation.

Ayanokouji tilted his head, observing her reaction. "Do you perhaps think the school is hiding something?" he probed, more to gauge her perception than out of ignorance. He had his suspicions, but he was curious if Horikita had sensed it too.

Horikita pondered for a moment before responding. "There's... a high likelihood of that. However, if there was, I couldn't tell what that might be."

Ayanokouji nodded his head before turning his gaze away from the girl and turning his attention to his classmates. 

"Hey, hey! Do you want to check out a store with me on our way back? Let's do some shopping!" a blonde-haired girl bubbled over to her new friend, her eyes alight with anticipation.

"Sure! With this much, we can buy anything. I'm so glad I got into this school," the brown-haired girl beside her replied.

Their enthusiasm seemed to ripple through the classroom, with many students now gathering and discussing plans to spend their points. 

It was a natural reaction to such an unexpected development, Ayanokouji noted, but it also showed a lack of caution that he found slightly disappointing.

Chabashira's subtle nudge towards spending the points had worked. The idea of saving seemed lost on most; after all, the points would vanish upon graduation. Why not enjoy the luxury while it lasted? And if they ran out, another deposit was just a month away.

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