High Lord of the Autumn Court

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Thesan goes and knocks on Nuan's lab door. Nuan is buried deep in her work, likely a distraction given the words shared with Eris earlier on. She glances up with a warm smile. "You don't need to knock, dear Thesan", she greets, smiling at her best friend.

Thesan grins softly and hugs her—she really is more like his sister. "How is work going...?" He never bothers her during the day so immediately she knows something is up.

Nuan eyes him with an air of suspicion. "Hmm...okay—work is okay. She glances at the vials and textbooks, mountains of papers. She's a very passionate alchemist and tinkerer. "Thesan, I dearly love you, but why are you here? Is something wrong?"

He sighs, unable to hide anything from her since childhood. "We have someone in the infirmary. He barely had a flicker of a pulse."

Her stomach drops, lips parted. "I-..." She breathes hard suddenly, subconsciously rubbing over her chest, the bargain tattoo visible on her wrist.

"What is that?" Thesan asks, gently taking her wrist.

Nuan remembers it and a faint trace of blush crosses her face. "N-nothing...- it's...", she purses her lips, then sighs. "I made a bargain with Eris, and if that's who's in the infirmary I should like to go, Thesan?", she states, also asking permission.

"What bargain?", he huffs, protective like an older brother. "Also, I'm going to be honest with you...he is...he's unrecognizable right now. Beron attacked him very viciously and I don't think you should see that until we can heal him a bit. Luckily most of his face was spared but his entire torso was a bloody pulp..."

"Oh gods, The'..." , she breathes out, sounding pained. "I should be at his side." She looks down, eyes swimming with more emotion than he's seen on her in years, since she lost her mate and their other childhood best friend, Kai. "I think I might have real feelings for that male."

Thesan hugs her. "I know...I can tell."

Her arms squeeze him, burying her face in his shoulder. She scrunched her eyes shut. "Please...gore doesn't phase me, I just wish to be in the room. In case..."

He rube her back. "Nuan it is so bad. I don't know if I can burn the image out of my head. You don't want to see him that way. Please...believe me."

"I wish to be close, that's all. Please allow me that."

"You know you don't need my permission to do what you like. You never have."

"I know but I like to ask." She draws back and smiles warmly at him, kissing his cheek.

"Just because I'm the High Lord doesn't mean I'm any different than how I was as a kid", he grins, nudging her. "Me and you and Kai", he smiles softly. "We were a pretty good trio. I wish I wasn't so different. That I didn't have to train and do all the High Lord stuff. I know that I wasn't very fun for a long while. I should have been closer...kept better tabs...maybe—"

"Nobody could have anticipated that attack Thesan. Don't you dare even think that, alright? You and Vihan saved me. And in a way, Kai did too. His lessons led to me making a pretty good hand for myself as well."

He nods slowly. "I always had a feeling you two would be mates. You were always...more."

She takes his fingers between them, holding his hand. "You have never failed to be my greatest friend, Thesan. My best friend. To me and Kai. You never failed us."

"You are mine as well", he says, squeezing her hand. "You're...you know you're like my sister."

Her eyes burn with tears. "Stop...you're going to start me off", she chuckles, dabbing an eye with her finger.

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