chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Guardians' Meeting (Approx. 700 words)

Inside the Hall of Knowledge (HOK), the guardians gathered around a holographic table, where a life-sized hologram called RZ 6.0 stood, waiting for their attention. They had convened here to discuss the puzzling behavior of the Wild Card and try to make sense of their unpredictable attacks.

"Hey, RZ," Ish greeted their holographic ally. "We've got some questions about the Wild Card. Something's not right, and we need to figure out what they're up to."

RZ 6.0 nodded and replied, "Of course, guardians. I've been monitoring the situation closely."

Ash jumped in, her voice tinged with concern. "Do you have any information on their recent attack targets? Anything that might give us a clue about their motives?"

RZ 6.0 activated a holographic screen, displaying a list of recent attacks. "The Wild Card's last few attacks have primarily targeted houses and apartments. There's no obvious connection to Megacore or any other significant organization."

Ish scratched his head, puzzled. "That's odd. What could be the reason for targeting residential areas?"

RZ 6.0 thought for a moment before responding, "I've been cross-referencing the addresses with historical data and the families that lived in those locations. I haven't found any obvious connections or commonalities, but I'll keep digging."

Ash, always determined to get to the bottom of things, pushed for more information. "Have you found any recurring patterns, like certain times of day or types of households?"

RZ 6.0 shook his head. "Not yet, Ash. The attacks seem random, but there must be a method to their madness. I'll continue to analyze the data, searching for any background information about the houses and the families residing in them."

Ish shared his concerns, "It's not just the randomness of these attacks that bothers us, RZ. It's the way the Wild Card has been acting. It's like they're searching for something, and we need to figure out what that something is."

RZ 6.0's holographic form seemed to nod in understanding. "I share your concern, guardians. We need to unravel this mystery and understand the Wild Card's motives. It's crucial for the safety of the NFL and our mission."

With their collective determination, the guardians knew they had a challenging task ahead. The Wild Card's unpredictable attacks and cryptic behavior only intensified their need to uncover the truth. Little did they know that the arrival of Sora, a seemingly ordinary new student with extraordinary potential, would play a significant role in helping them untangle the web of mysteries surrounding the Wild Card's actions.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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