Your eyes followed the sound of the little steps of the child and the tired girl came into your line of sight. "Daddy?.." 

She questioned as she reached the bottom of the steps. You got up from your seat and you walked over to the girl. 

Crouching to her height, you attempted to greet her even though she was clearly in a tired state.

"Hi, I'll be your new nanny. My name is Y/n," The little girls eyes found yours as she became accustomed to the brightness of the room. 

Her eyes lit up once she saw you and she smiled although still drowsy. "Hi! My daddy told me I was getting a new nanny, but I didn't know it was going to be a pretty lady." She said cheerfully as she started to wake up a bit.

Your heart melted once you heard her cheerful voice. You know that you are going to enjoy taking care of her. 

"Aww.. thank you! Your very pretty too little miss Kasumi." The sweet tone of your voice making the little girl warm up to you even more then she already has.

The small girl smiled from ear to ear as she took your hand to lead you to the couch. "Miss y/n, can you put on a movie? Please?" 

You thought about it for a moment before leaving her to check her routine to see if she was allowed to watch anything.

It said that she is allowed to watch anything kid friendly and you noted that before walking back to the little girl who waited on the couch patiently. 

"Your dad said you can, what movie do you wanna watch?" You asked as you grabbed the remote to switch the tv on.

"Hmm.. I wanna watch My Neighbor Totoro!!" She said excitedly as her eyes settled on the tv with happiness. "Alright," You chuckled.

 "My Neighbor Totoro it is." After starting the movie, you stayed with her for a bit before deciding to make her dinner.

You pondered for a moment, standing at the counter thinking what the girl would like. Pasta? Most children like mac n cheese or any pasta of some sort. 

"Kasumi, would you like pasta for dinner? If so, red sauce or white sauce?" You waited patiently for an answer but it seemed that the girl was so consumed in her movie that she couldn't hear you.

Her attention moved to you as you finally decided to walk over to her and ask her. Your end of the couch sunk a bit as you sat down and she had noticed. 

"So, pasta for dinner or no?" As you patiently waited, she suddenly spoke. "Yes! Also, can I have white sauce with it?" She spoke cheerfully and politely.

Who could say no to a cute face and cheerful voice like hers? "Pasta it is." The couch rose again once you got up from the soft cushion to head back to the kitchen. You searched for a bit, trying to find the pots in what seemed like thousands of cabinets.

Aha! You found the right cabinet after a few minutes of searching. Who knows what this would be like making food throughout the day. 

It definitely can not take this long. The sound of water spilling into the pot made a flowing sound as you waited for it to fill.

Once you filled it enough, you set it on the stove and you let it be until it started to boil.

 As you waited for it to boil, you grabbed a thin pasta box and set it on the counter near the stove so that you could put the pasta directly in after it started to boil.

The sounds of water boiling and pattering against the pot cover caught your attention and you quickly put the pasta in. After putting the pasta in, you lowered the temperature of the stove before letting it cook.


A few minutes later, the pasta finally finished cooking and you drained the water out of the pot to put in the sauce Kasumi had requested. 

You set the pot back on the stove to grab the sauce. Once the sauce was in your hand, you poured it into the pot with ease.

You began to stir the pasta and sauce so you could serve it to her. You placed two spoonfuls of pasta into a bowl and you brought it over to the girl fascinated by the show as if she hasn't watched it before.

 You placed two spoonfuls of pasta into a bowl and you brought it over to the girl fascinated by the show as if she hasn't watched it before

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a/n - sorry it takes me so long to write chapters!! I have school so it might be a bit slow.



© haarukiskiss , hoyoverse


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