An Invasion of Privacy

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Spencer had made sure to get to work early the next morning. He wanted to get to Hotch before he had the chance to tell the rest of the team about what had happened the night before. It's not that he didn't want anyone to know about you, it's just that it was new and he wasn't sure how things would play out between the two of you. More than that though, he really didn't want to be made fun of for the rest of his life because he answered the door for Hotch half naked and with a seemingly random girl in his apartment.

Once Hotch had agreed to keep his secret, Spencer made his way back to his desk and started on the mountain of paperwork he had to complete. The BAU had been tackling case after case, leaving practically no time for the team to do the other work that their jobs required. Thankfully, they had no cases on the docket, leaving Spencer plenty of time to play catch up.

Although Spencer was grateful to have time to catch up on paperwork, he was starting to get extremely antsy sitting at his desk for hours. Since they had been in the field for several weeks straight, he wasn't used to sitting at his desk for hours at a time. By the time lunch rolled around, Spencer just had to get out of that office. Thankfully for him, your lunch breaks fell around the same time, so about an hour before lunch, he stepped outside the glass doors to call and see if you wanted to meet him on your break.

The rest of the team didn't seem to notice when Spencer stepped out to make that mysterious phone call, but Derek Morgan sure did. Now, Derek was no stranger to the ladies, and he knew Spencer well enough to know that the secret he was keeping was a woman. He could tell by the way Spencer grinned when you picked up the phone, and by the way that he blushed as he talked to you. He knew the kid was a goner by the way he beamed when you agreed to spend your lunch break with him. To be honest, Derek was a little offended that Spencer hadn't told him about his little love affair, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from finding out who the girl who had won Spencer Reid's heart was.

As soon as Spencer left to meet up with you, Derek raced to find Penelope. If he was going to find out who you were, he was going to need the help of the best stalker in the business.

"Babygirl! How'd you like to spend your break solving the most interesting case this place has ever seen?" Derek said as he busted into Penelope's lair.

"Oh my statuesque god of chocolate thunder, there is nothing else I'd rather be doing." Penelope cooed back. "Now whatcha need for me?"

"Well, I need you to track a phone call Reid made earlier..." Morgan said it slowly, like he was guilty and he knew Penelope wouldn't be on board, at first at least.

"Woah, you know I would do anything for you Derek Morgan, but if you want me to go full creep on our boy wonder you're going to have to at least tell me why." She spat out.

"I think our pretty boy might have met a pretty girl-" Derek didn't even get to finish his sentence before Penelope started talking again.

"On it!" She said excitedly, "Did he make the call from his work phone or his personal cell?"

"This is why I love you, Babygirl! He made the call from his cell." Derek was practically giggling with excitement now.

He watched as Penelope typed furiously, and within seconds she had pulled the phone number, followed by your name and your drivers license photo.

"Ohhhh, the pretty girl is reallyyyy pretty!" Penelope squealed.

"Yeah she is. Like almost too pretty to be with Reid." Derek chuckled. He didn't get to laugh very much though, because he was interrupted by Penelope smacking him on the shoulder.

"Derek Morgan, I swear to God if you make fun of him I will make your life a living hell and I mean it! You know I love you, but I will tank your credit score if you make that poor boy sad." She spoke quickly, so quickly that it took Derek a couple of seconds to catch up.

"Alright," He defended, "I won't make fun of him! But I am going to let him know that we're pissed he didn't tell us."

"Fair enough." Penelope shrugged.

The two spent the rest of their break stalking your instagram. They looked at photos of you on vacation, some pictures of you at various concerts, they even went as far back to the ones you had posted in college. By the time they had to return to work, they knew practically everything about you, thanks to Penelope's expert ability in digging up dirt.

When Spencer returned to the office, he barely got to his desk before Penelope was skipping up to him and beckoning him into her lair.

"What do you need, Garcia?" Spencer asked sweetly, totally unsuspecting of the bombshell that was about to be dropped on him.

"I just-um-I was working on this crossword and I'm almost done. I just can't figure out the last clue and I could really use your help." She stuttered out.

"Oh okay yeah I can help you." Spencer agreed as he followed her back to her office.

When Spencer entered Penelope's lair, he was immediately intimidated by the sight of Derek perched up on her desk. He knew something was coming, he just wasn't sure what.

"You have some explaining to do, pretty boy." Derek wore a shit eating grin as he said it.

"Uh-uh I don't- I don't know what you mean." Spencer sputtered out, completely unconvincingly.

"About Y/N!" Penelope giggled as she turned the computer monitor on to reveal your photo.

"How-how did you guys even-" Spencer was cut off by Derek's explanation.

"I saw you take that call earlier. It's pretty obvious that you've got a pretty big crush on Y/N here." Derek chuckled.

"That still doesn't explain how you found out who she is!" Spencer shot back, getting upset that his secret had been blown, yet again.

"I may have traced your calls," Penelope said shyly, "But just a little bit!"

"You traced my calls?!" Spencer didn't even know what to say. Sure, he was upset that his friends had invaded his privacy, but he also knew that they meant no harm.

"If it's any consolation, we're really sorry and we may have gotten a little overexcited about the prospect of you having a girlfriend, and getting married, and having lots of little BAU babies." Penelope rambled.

Spencer chuckled, "Well, I don't know if any of that will be happening anytime soon."

"But she is your girlfriend?" Derek questioned.

"Uh yeah, yeah I guess she is." Spencer blushed.

Derek opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it when he caught a warning look from Penelope.

"We are very happy for you, boy wonder!" Penelope clapped and giggled, as she pulled Spencer into a hug.

"Yeah I'm happy for you man!" Derek said as he pulled Spencer into another hug, "When do we get to meet her?"

"Not for a little while," Spencer answered honestly, "We haven't been dating for that long and I'm not sure I'm ready to share her with the world quite yet."

"So you're just going to keep her all to yourself?" Penelope looked devastated.

"Yeah," Spencer blushed, "I think I am."

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