Long Live the Queen

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As we arrived in the city, ready to make a show of force, as we marched towards the city of Darcy my secret weighed upon me heavily.

I was afraid this secret would prevent us from succeeding, I could only have faith that I had the strength to see this through so that it was not all for nothing. The nose bleeds were an omen, a warning, but not about the impending battle. They were a sign that time was running out. They were simply the first of many symptoms to emerge. I knew by now that I was sick, my condition had been very slowly but progressively deteriorating since that day Alessandra and I had seen the vision in the church. By then I had dizzy spells and nosebleeds, my sleep slowly becoming harder to wake from every time. I knew that I was dying and I had a feeling when everything was said and done, I wouldn't have much longer to live. 

If we all survived then the only causality and collateral damage left would be me but I was okay with dying and I didn't fear oblivion's peaceful embrace. The only fear I had was of failure and running out of time. My fear was of not being strong enough to win this fight that I had to win. Everything was riding on this siege succeeding. Everything rode on me taking the throne and if I failed, I wouldn't have the time left to execute a backup plan. This was it. My hail mary. My last chance. It was all or nothing and as we stood at the edge of the city, hundreds willing to follow me so that I could take my place on my father's throne, I knew we had no choice but to win. If we lost, the war would never end. After everyone who'd been lost up to this moment, I could not allow this to fail. I could not fail again.

When we reached Darcy, it was early morning, just before sunrise, and I watched as the city gates opened for us with Caspian to my left and Darren to my right, both of them armed and ready for anything. It was cool outside but it felt far warmer than it had been since winter hit, no longer any snow on the dark grey cobblestone streets but they were still damp from where it had melted, the street lights lit the city that was in shambles. black onyx stone buildings half crumbled and dilapidated as far as I could see but it wasn't the town, I was focused on but the seemingly untouched palace that looked the same as before. It still sat ominously at the top of the hill overlooking the city in the same haunting gothic style and I felt so many old emotions and memories flood back to me as I took in the sight. So it began, the siege that would make history. The siege many would talk about surely for years to come. An event that would reach legendary status before I even died.

As the sun began to rise, we began the siege. This was it. It all started with Darren who shouted loudly, "The king is gone, all hail and long live the queen!", it was then echoed by Caspian as we began to walk the streets with our massive army following behind the chant catching on like a wildfire igniting. People began to emerge as the march and chant continued making progress, some of the citizens joining in, but as we reached the palace, we saw large groups of rebel forces gathered prepared to defend the castle. The energy of the city was almost tangible as we reached the palace and with one final "Long live the queen" all hell broke loose as both armies lunged head first at each other, I leaped into the fray with Caspian and Darren by my side as we made our way through the bloodbath.

The sound was deafening, shouts and screams from every angle almost drowning out the clashing of metal as the battle ensued. All around us people were dropping like flies, both our forces and theirs, but I lost myself completely to the fight as I dropped soldier after soldier. It took time but the three of us progressed through the palace walls and we knew we had to get inside the palace. Finally, Caspian, Darren, and I had found a way out of the chaos, slipping around the side in search of the hidden door leading to the secret passage Darren used to rescue Seth and I just years ago. We made it into the palace easily with a group of warriors as backup only to find the battle had already reached inside the walls. While making our way as quickly as we could to the throne room, we only really fought a few rebels along the way since the loyal guards within the walls were already keeping them at bay for us. When we reached the throne room, I saw a man with light bright green eyes sitting upon the throne that had once been my father's and easily twenty guards stood in a line across the front of it, ready to defend him.

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