Free From You

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The first time we talked, I stil remember

the way you made me laugh

Little did i know you'd be the one to rip my

heart out

Now that laughter left only in


Leaving me filled with regret no doubt

Questioning myself everyday, was I not

good enough?

As I ponder each dawn, my worth I must


oh I was a fool to believe your lies

But what about the little girl in me who

found my home in you?

You're the boy who gave her heart eyes

Now all i'm left is with the memories of

our happy days

Searching for solutions to heal the wounds

you left

Trying to fill this void in many ways

How does it feel knowing you left me


Loving you was an accident but, oh it was

a beautiful one

All the feelings between us remain


The pain you caused will never be


And Scars of your betrayal will leave a

part of me broken

But I cannot do that to myself

No, I will not let you keep hurting me

I will heal, maybe not today

But one day, when your name is taken

Tears won't cloud my eyes and I will be


Free from the misery you left behind.

                                                     ~ Shefali

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