would you like a flower or two? (id like to be beside you)

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"Shigeo, grab an umbrella before you leave!" Mrs. Kageyama called out from the living room, seeing the weather forecast on the television. It had said that it would be pouring today, despite the hot weather for weeks now.

Mob glanced out the window, a bit confused as it was sunny out, with perfectly clear blue skies, the sun radiating warmth like no other but followed his mother's advice anyway.

He reached out for his big black umbrella, the one he always uses nowadays as he stepped outside basking in the heat of summer weather. It was better safe than sorry, and he could use some shade from the sun.

On days like these, he gets reminded of the days he and Ritsu would play together as children. Too lost in his thoughts, Mob did not realize the dark clouds were slowly approaching. It was something Mob would notice if he was paying attention, but he wasn't, he was too busy admiring the bright yellow flowers that grew in the little crevices of the sidewalk.

He was surely taking his time because it wasn't like he would be late for the next client, so Reigen wouldn't mind for sure.

Spinning this black umbrella, Mob continued admiring the landscape near him. A newly opened clothing store with bright pretty neon lights caught his attention.

Maybe I could invite Hanazawa-kun to shop there sometime, it looks like the type of shop he likes.

He thought with a small smile, humming as he passed by trees and sat on a wooden bench, swinging his feet as he watched the bushes sway, unaware of the number of people around him slowly decreasing and the shops closing.

It wasn't till the rain poured heavy and loud as the winds blew his umbrella away that he noticed the weather and that he should get home soon. His family would get worried if he was outside with a storm this big.

He should probably inform Reigen that he wouldn't be able to come. Mob instinctively reached for his phone, but after a while of searching his pocket, it seemed like he left it at home, realization hit him like a cold breeze as he shivered in this chilly weather.

He wished he had a jacket on right now or at least brought his raincoat but it was too late for regrets as he chased his umbrella. He ran aimlessly in the direction he saw it fly, hoping for the best.

He had been getting better at running because of the Body Improvement Club, but he still gets drained of stamina rather quickly. Exhausted, he paused to take a break.

He looked left and right in the flooding street, but there was no umbrella in sight. Mob sighed as he took a glance around his surroundings.

Great. He was lost.

He did try to use his powers - that he should've just used from the start - but he just ended up sneezing. It caused a patch of flowers to bloom early near him.

Uh. Oh. That probably isn't good.

He thought, looking around to try to get information about where he ended up.

Maybe he should've taken a smaller umbrella or held onto it more tightly and he wouldn't have lost it. Maybe, if maybe-

"Kageyama-kun?" A familiar voice rang in the street, it snapped him from his thoughts. He turned around to see who it was.

It was Teru, in his shining hot pink raincoat, almost glowing in contrast to the dull surroundings around him. He was like the bright yellow flowers that he was staring at for a while ago, standing out in the midst of a gloomy terrain. It was as if he brought a burst of color to a world that had forgotten how to shine.

Teru waved hello, with a bright blue umbrella in hand, shopping bags, and a black umbrella in the other. Relief washed over Mob, he really liked that umbrella.

would you mind a flower or two? (id like to be beside you)Where stories live. Discover now