(Y/n) grinned, her fatigue momentarily forgotten. "Absolutely. And if anyone tries to mess with us, well, they'll regret it."

With their preparations complete, they lingered in the hidden room, the air thick with an unspoken understanding. The world above might be chaotic and unpredictable, but in their secret sanctuary, Technoblade and (Y/n) found solace in the strength of their alliance and the prospect of a different, more peaceful future together.

As Technoblade admired the pin nestled in (Y/n)'s hair, he felt a swirl of emotions within him. The unspoken words of affection lingered on the tip of his tongue, yet the weight of vulnerability held them back. Instead, he chose a safer path, opting for a compliment.

"That pin suits you," he remarked, his voice carrying a softness not often heard. "It complements the chaos in your hair."

(Y/n) smiled, her gaze meeting his. "Thanks, Techno. You have a knack for picking interesting gifts."

His heart swelled with a mixture of relief and yearning. "Well, I'm glad you like it. It's... unique, like you."

Their eyes held a lingering connection, a silent exchange of sentiments that neither dared to voice. The hidden room, filled with their shared preparations, became a haven for unspoken feelings. In that moment, amidst the potion-laden shelves and gleaming Netherite armor, a silent understanding passed between them – a connection that spoke of more than just camaraderie.

Feeling the weight of impending change, Technoblade made a decisive choice. "Let's head back to Pogtopia," he suggested, his gaze focused on the hidden room's entrance. "We need to rally the others and make sure we're prepared for whatever comes next."

(Y/n) nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. As they exited the concealed chamber, a sense of purpose filled the air. The rebellion awaited, and Technoblade, with his unyielding determination, led the way. The journey back to Pogtopia was laced with the anticipation of the challenges they would face, but it was also imbued with the unspoken connection that had grown between Technoblade and (Y/n).


Amidst the chaos of preparations for the upcoming attack, Quackity's voice cut through the air, demanding an explanation from (Y/n). "You have to be a ghost! You have to have died!" he shouted, frustration evident in his tone.

(Y/n) sighed, her gaze meeting Quackity's. "I survived the waterfall," she calmly explained, aware of the implications of her revelation.

Just as tensions began to rise, Technoblade stepped forward, his commanding presence capturing everyone's attention. "Enough of this. Follow me," he declared, leading the group to a seemingly inconspicuous bush. With a swift movement, he revealed a concealed entrance – a hole dug into the ground.

Curiosity and awe filled the air as everyone jumped into the hole, finding themselves in a hidden chamber. The sight that met their eyes left them speechless – an arsenal of meticulously prepared armor and gear. Technoblade and (Y/n), working in tandem, had crafted a formidable collection to equip the rebellion for the challenges ahead.

"Im ready for revolution boys!" Technoblade grinned. As the group marveled at the impressive setup, Technoblade and (Y/n) exchanged a knowing look. Without a word, they shared a fist bump, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they had forged and the battles they were about to face together. The rebellion, now armed and united, prepared to defy the oppressive forces that loomed over Pogtopia.

In a moment of rare vulnerability, Tommy approached (Y/n), his expression carrying the weight of regret. "Look, (Y/n), I need to apologize for what I said back there. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that," he admitted, genuine remorse in his eyes.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now