A Well Deserved Vacation 🏝️ ((Reader & Anis))

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//Hope you all enjoy this one! Shoot me ideas or characters you'd like to see next :) -Owl//

"Because of your recent contributions to the Ark, I have decided to give you and your squad a week off of duty." These words turned the Commanders anxious thoughts into a slew of confused ones. They were called to the Ark by Deputy Cheif Andersen, apparently the Deputy Cheif had something to discuss with them that was urgent. The Commander feared they were going to be punished due to some insubordination on their last mission. So a vacation was the last thing they were expecting. "You look surprised? Did you think I was going to punish you because of your actions on your last mission?" The Commander nodded in response, shaking the shock out of their system. "You may have disobeyed orders, yes. But doing so, you and your squad were able to eliminate that Tyrant Class Rapture that was causing us so much trouble." A relieved sigh came out of the Commander, feeling relieved that this time their actions had not gotten them and their squad into major trouble. "Although-" Andersen continued, "-The rest of top brass still strongly suggested that you be punished for your insubordination. So, after your small vacation, you and your squad will be doing community service around the Ark." the Commanders happy demeanour deflated as Andersen informed them of the punishment. "Be happy, community service is the least taxing punishment you could have been given." A notification then rang from Andersen's phone. He took it out of his pocket, turning it on and reading the messag. "I must be going now, I'm late to a meeting." Andersen stood up from his chair and walked past the Commander, putting his phone back in his pants pocket. "Enjoy your vacation, it will be awhile before you get another opportunity like this."

~~Present day~~

The sound of the waves rolling onto the sand filled the crisp sea air. The sound of seagulls could also be heard as they flew overhead. Ever since the incident with the Kraken and the Admire, the island seemed to be regaining a lot of its wildlife. A good step forward in the ultimate goal of reclaiming the surface from the Raptures. Though, all of that was for the future. For the here and now, it was relaxation. The Commander let out a content sigh as they leaned back in their beach chair. The umbrella beside them covered the sun's harsh rays, allowing for a little shade to assist the Commander with their nap. Unfortunately for the Commander, the peaceful nap they were hoping for was soon interrupted by three voices.

A stream of cold water hit the Commander's face, causing them to shoot up from their chair. Standing in front of them was Anis, Neon, and Anchor. The culprit was pretty easily deduced, as Neon was the one with her gun pointed directly at the Commander. "Master! I'm sorry, I was aiming for Anis!" Neon called out, waving to the Commander. Anis lowered her water gun that was pointed at Neon, putting her hands on her hips. "For all your talk about water power, you sure don't know how to use a water gun." She remarked, causing Neon to puff her cheeks out. As the two began to argue, Anchor walked up to the Commander. "Sorry Captain! We got to caught up in our fun, we didn't realize you were trying to rest." Anchor frowned as she spoke to the Commander. The Commander smiled, "It's okay. Besides, this is your first time having a water gun fight, right?" The last time they were up here, after Mast and Anchor brought the Admire to save them from Kraken, they had stayed for a few days afterwards. During that time Anchor was to fixated on the marine life to play with the others, but this time it was different since she had pretty much seen all the marine life the island had to offer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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