Part 1

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"Wait, there's a library! I'll be five minutes." You said.

Joel turned on his heels to face you but before he could even say a word, you were off. Annoyance washed over him instantly as he followed you to the library.

"One day im gonna put a damn leash on you." He groaned, walking few paces behind you.

You rolled your eyes, ignoring him completely.

Joel was the only consistent thing in your life lately other than books. He had saved you from raiders a little over a year ago.

And though he fought himself for a short moment on whether or not he should even care to help you, he couldn't just turn his back.

And ever since, you stuck around him. Following him wherever he went. Even when he told you to leave, over and over again.

But that was the thing, you really had no one to go to. All the people you ever cared for had died, and were tired of trying to fend for yourself. Look how well that went.

Now, here you were. Annoying Joel for the hundredth time.

He had grown used to having you around by now. And a part of him began to feel protective of you.
Even when you pissed him off, and pushed every single button of his from all your constant questions of life before it turned to shit.

You were only 5 when it happened. And now, 20 years later...those memories have only faded more and more.

But there was one thing that always shut you up...books.

If you weren't annoying him with all your constant talking, he would find you curled up with a book, pens and high lighters.

You always knew how to lose yourself in a story. And you read anything you could get your hands on. Didn't matter if it were thriller, romance or science fiction, and fantasy.

Anything that took you away from the real world.

"One book. Got it? Ya already got too many."

"You can never have too many books, Joel. Maybe you should grab one for yourself." You said, as you quietly opened the door.

He rolled his eyes.

The library had books all over. Some on the shelves, some tossed on the floor, and tables. There had been moss growing from the trees sticking through the broken windows.

"It's so beautiful." You whispered.

"Don't go too far. You stay where I can see you. Got it?"


"Repeat it."

You stopped in your steps and turned to meet his gaze. "Go far away where you can't see me."

"Dammit, kid—"

"I'll be right in this aisle, where you can see me. Okay?"

Joel could care less about the sarcasm, but he enjoyed having you around. But he would never admit that to you. Not even to himself.

"Ok, I got my book." You said, walking over to him.

"Just one?"

You shrugged a, soft smile forming on your lips.

"How many?"

"Only four! Look, they had 'An Offer From A Gentleman.' And 'The Time Travelers Wife.'"

"More romance books?" He said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ain't ya tired of the predictability?"

You sighed, shoving the books into your bag. "Sorry for wanting to read books with happy endings sometimes. It's not like I'll ever get that in this lifetime."

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