Part 7

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Erica's pov:

I was really nervous about this dinner, i told Leyla about it, she said you know you can cancel if you want, but i know it would be rude, so i just asked her to help me choose my outfit.

I decided to buy some flowers while i was driving, when i arrived i was so nervous before ringing the bell, i decided to check myself.

When she opened the door, i was stunned in my place looking at her, as if the time had stopped, i looked at her from head to toe and i couldnt stop, as if she was the only thing in the world, how her hair and her skin made her dress look also the tattoos, dont blame me she was just so breathtaking and i think she noticed i checked her out because she was smirking.

She flirts with me and i as the gentlewoman, i decided to compliment her and failed miserably, rambling like a child.

She welcomed me in and i saw the person i hated the most at the moment, i hope he has some urgent business and just leaves.

She shows me the way to the dinner table, we sit down and start talking, he seemed way to much interesed in me when his fiancé is right here, i noticed her giving him dirty looks maybe she was jealous.

I watch as their hands get together, a mix of emotions came to me that i didnt notice i was staring at their hands, i look up at Ava and she was already looking at  me and smirking she knows what she's doing.

Ughh i hope this evening ends soon, we finish eating and they decide to go to the living room.

And at that moment, as if the God heard me, he received a phone call and told us that he had to go, i pretended to be sad that he leaving and Ava noticed that and tried to keep her laugh.

He leaves and i finally relax, she brings me a glass of wine and sits next to me.

"I see you're glad he's gone" she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry to be so direct but he is kind of annoying" i tell her waiting for her reaction.

"Oh tell me" she laughed at my words.

I was confused by her words and she noticed my frown.

"Well dont worry he is only my fiancé because of my parents, my mom wanted me to get married because in her eyes im too old" she tells me even thought i dont know why she said for me not to worry.

"Oh well, thank you for sharing this with me" i reply.

As i finished my sentence there was silence so i decided to start a conversation.

"So tell me how old are you" i ask curiously.

"You know that you should never ask a woman for her age right" she replies teasing me.

"Oh come on, you know how old i am, its not fair that i dont" i reply with puppy eyes, cringe right i know but it seems to have worked because she looked at me softly.

"Okay, well im 26 you're happy now" she replies with a smile.

"Not bad, not bad, just 7 years differents" i thought i only said it in my head, but it seems not.

"What do you mean by that" she asks curiously.

"Oh nothing just doing math" really Erica thats the lie you came up with.

"Okayy" she smirks and looks me up and down.

"Do you have siblings" i ask trying to keep the conversation going and also know more about her.

"No, im an only child, but i do have a friend who i consider like a brother, you may have seen him at the club but i dont really think so because you were drunk" she replies.

"No, i dont think i've seen him, im also an only child and just like you, you may know Leyla she's like a big sister to me even thought im older than her and whats the name of the famous friend that you have" i ask wanting to know her more.

"Alexander, maybe you can meet him one day" she replies looking happy to know im interested in her life.

Wait does that mean there will be another time, okay Mr.Anderson i see what you are doing there.

"Why did you choose Anatomy out of all the things you could teach, why exactly Anatomy" i ask her.

"Why dont you like anatomy" she asks back.

"Well i honestly dont like it, it just boring learning about all the arteries and veins in our body, like there are way to many why do we have to learn all of them" i reply as i hear laughing.

"Wouldnt you want to know what our body is capable of doing" she says in her seductive tone while looking at me as her puplies dilate and a smirk on her face, making me wonder if this has another meaning.

Our bodies were getting closer as if time stopped, not knowing what to do, we were so close to each other that i could smell her parfum, it has a toxic smell that was pulling me closer to her, everything seemed like it stopped as if we were the only people in the world, only me and her not thinking about the world not even a second.

And the thing that scared me the most happened, she closes the gap between our lips, i close my eyes as i feel that electricity just from the contact of our lips, i take control of the kiss but i try to keep it slow.

I dont know anything at this moment, but only me and her in this moment.

It started passionately but so fast it turned heated but she stopped in that second and backed up. She started walking in panic and looks at me with sadness and panic in her eyes.

"Erica i-im so sorry this shouldnt be happening this is way too inappropriate and also im engaged...fuck!!" she swears, but it doesnt really affect me after that kiss.

I stand still thinking about the words that will leave my mouth.

"Im so sorry Miss, i think its better for me to leave" i say calmly even thought i was on the verge of crying, i hurried to the door not wanting her to see me cry.

"No wait Erica" she yells but i dont stop.

I jump in my car and drive away, i didnt want to go home because i know Leyla will ask me hundreds of question. I park my car and stay seated feeling mixed emotions, i couldnt hold back my tears as i think why did she kiss me if she didnt want to why would she do this to me.

I decided to just go to the club to drink and forget about it and that wasnt the best decision because i ended up drinking way too much.

"Hey miss i think it is enough for today do you have someone to pick you up" i look at him drunkely not knowing anything i just give him my phone and fall asleep.

"Erica you idiot what happened" i only heard Leyla talk as she picks me up by the shoulders and gets me in her car.

Part 7, whats your favorite book🤎

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