A profound hollowness settled within (Y/N), an ethereal detachment from the throes of agony. Her senses dulled, and the world faded into a muted expanse. As the tendrils of nothingness wrapped around her consciousness, (Y/N) became an ephemeral witness to her own descent into an abyss of quiet oblivion.


Withers screeched in the background, "(Y/n)!" Techno screamed it felt as if his own voice was going to rip his vocal cords out. He had to find her quickly. He hadn't seen her since before the tnt went off.

"What if she's trapped somewhere in the rubble."

"She's only wearing a chest plate."

"Better than nothing."

"I say we-

"If you're going to say get rid of her Shut up."

Amidst the chaotic scene, the voices in Techno's head chimed in with a sense of urgency, their disjointed chorus converging into a singular directive.

"Find her, Technoblade! Find her now!" one voice demanded, its urgency cutting through the clamor.

"I told you we should've stayed closer to her. This is your fault!" another voice accused, its tone carrying a reproachful edge. The voices were right, he should never have unleashed the withers without knowing she was able to escape

Techno, his eyes darting around the wreckage, responded to the voices, "Shut up, all of you! We need to focus. Help me find her."

As the compass swung wildly, the voices offered conflicting advice. "Left, go left!" one insisted, while another argued, "No, it's right, you fool!"

The disjointed symphony of the voices intensified Techno's struggle to concentrate. "Just find her, Techno! She's counting on you!" one voice shouted, a note of desperation underlying its tone.

As the needle of the compass wavered, Technoblade's panic grew. "Where is she? Where?" he muttered to himself, the tension palpable in his voice.

The moment the compass steadied, the voices unified in a shared sense of relief. "There! Go there!" they echoed, a rare moment of harmony among the usually discordant chorus.

The relentless cacophony of the withers in the background served as a grim reminder of the impending danger. The voices, now focused on the task at hand, fell into a tense silence as Techno dropped to his knees and began the frantic task of clearing the debris.

With each passing moment, the conversation in Techno's head became a whispered plea. "Hurry, Techno. Please, hurry."

And then, as his hands unearthed her from the wreckage, the voices erupted into a mixture of relief and anxiety. "We found her! Now, save her!"

The scene shifted as Techno cradled (Y/N) in his arms, she was barely breathing. "Hang on, (Y/N), we're getting out of here," he muttered, his voice a mix of determination and concern.

Her side was charred with a burn from the withers, her veins were turning black with the poison, he needed to get her healed but not out in the open and before the withering took her lives.

The voices, having witnessed the gravity of the situation, fell into a contemplative silence. Their shared goal now focused on ensuring (Y/N)'s safety as Techno sprinted away from the ruins, racing against time to save her remaining lives.

As (Y/N) gasped for air in Technoblade's arms, her life force slipping away, Techno felt a surge of despair. Tears blurred his vision as the realization struck him that he couldn't prevent her from losing a life. Yet, a steely determination settled in his eyes.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now