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- I am Annette, and she is Maria, we are friends of Richter.

- I apologize for interrupting the introductions, but I believe we should leave this place.- Mizrak's deep voice interrupts them. -I know it might not be the best idea right now, but there's a small hermitage a few kilometers from here where we can take shelter.

Everyone looks at the dhampir, who nods. The small group reminds him a lot of themselves; there's no doubt that Richter looks a lot like Trevor. He sighs, slightly saddened by the memory.

The soldier takes the lead to guide them, glancing at Maria from the corner of his eye and wondering where Olrox might have gone. He shakes his head; he can't be thinking about him, especially not at this moment. He knows what he's done with him is a horrible sin, although, in the end, is not as horrible as the sins committed by the pastor, which have just claimed Tera's life. Everyone remains silent, and from time to time, they can hear a howl or a scream of terror that squeezes their hearts.

The hermitage is small and dark, surrounded by a whitish fog. There's something about it that sends shivers down Alucard's spine-an eerie aura surrounds it, and a faint scent of sandalwood. From the corner of his eye, he can briefly see two bright green eyes watching them from the trees.
As they cross the threshold of the door, they are overwhelmed by the strange feeling that someone is watching them. Maria collapses on the steps of the altar, suddenly overcomed by her grief, embraced by Annette.

- I was waiting for you, hunters.
A feminine voice startles them. On the other side of the altar, at the foot of the cross, the mist has begun to condense, taking an almost human form.
Alucard and Mirza draw their swords, alert, and Belmont takes out his whip, while Maria and Anette quickly move away.

- Fear not, I haven't come to harm you.

- Who are you?-Richter shouts.
One of the birds summoned by Maria flies at the shadow, passing through it without harming it and landing obediently on the altar. The misty form gently scratches the bird's head with what appears to be an ethereal hand.

- I am Seraphiel, guardian of the worlds, watcher of the boundary between the Earthly and the Divine. I have come to help you.

The mist begins to condense, taking the form of a woman with long dark hair wrapped in a white and silvery, vaporous dress,

She has pale skin, wide hips, and strong arms and hands, with large golden earrings that shine like stars. Although her ears are rounded like a human's, she has vertical pupils like a cat and gray eyes like storm clouds. She's clearly an experimented warrior, as they can deduce by her multiple scars.

She raises her head with a solemn gesture, causing the golden ribbon in her hair to reflect the dim candlelight, and opens her arms, slowly spreading her wings, which extend majestically from her back with an impressive span.

Each feather of her wings is intensely black, as dark as midnight, with flashes of violet and blue hues reminiscent of the galaxy. At the top of her wings, the feather edges are adorned with delicate silver marks that shine like stars in a clear sky. As the light shines on them, they create a magical effect, making them look like moving constellations. When she unfolds them completely, it's as if she carries the universe itself on her back.

Suddenly, the sound of multiple claws scratching the stone walls startles them, while shadows of night creatures gather outside the window, trying to get in. The group falls back, anxious, while the beasts growl with anger.

- What's happening? Why aren't they coming in?
Annette looks around, confused, but the winged being gazes at the ceiling solemnly.

- Za' ecar uniata ba sàh. This is a sacred place; beings from the impure fires of hell cannot step on it.

- But the Beast has entered the church, and all its demons too.

The crimson bird utters a few notes, looking curiously at Seraphiel, who smiles sadly.

- When a being from hell can tread on sacred ground, it's because the Divine Grace is no longer in it. Your pastor made deals with the Darkness, and your church was cursed because of it.

- What the hell are you?- Mizra barks, clearly offended by the insinuation. The feline eyes of the being stare at him intently, causing the warrior to shrink back, slightly frightened.

- I am Seraphiel, one of the celestial beings sent to help you fight the Beast. I am what you call an 'archangel.'

*Za' ecar uniata ba sàh." - The divine Grace protect us.

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