Throat Infection- JJK 🖤

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"Everyone we'd like to welcome you to LAX airport, please be careful when exiting the aircraft and we hope you enjoyed your flight." The pilot said over the intercom.
The staff started getting all of their handluggage out of the holders whilst sejin went over to the maknae's seat, he was laying under the blanket, his airpods in his ears fast asleep. Sejin took out one of his airpods and pulled the blanket from his face shaking him awake. Jungkook nodded to show he was awake and started to stand up and gather his stuff.

The group were walking through the airport but Jungkook hadnt said a word, they just assumed he was still half asleep however, the maknae's throat was starting to burn a little. He was worried he would feel worse for recording  'Left and Right' so he wanted to save his voice for a while.

By the time they got to Charlie's house it was around 3am American time and Jungkook was still majorly Jet lagged. They were let in by Charlie's security and the house was silent. Charlie already being fast asleep upstairs. Jungkook was grateful he didnt have to talk tonight, he was immediately shown his room and he got ready for bed, he snuggled up in the warm sheets and buried his head in the pillows falling asleep almost immediately.

The next morning*

"Oh morning sorry i wasnt awake when you guys got here." Charlie said walking in to see his manager and Jungkook's manager sitting in the living room.

"Oh dont worry about it we didnt expect you to be awake, i think Jungkookie just wanted to go to bed anyway he didnt say a word until we arrived here" sejin said with a chuckle.

"Hi sorry to bother you but breakfast is ready whenever you are hungry." One of the staff members came into the living room before charlie thanked them.

"Is Jungkookie still asleep? Want me to go wake him? You guys tuck in." Charlie said before going upstairs and quietly knocking on Jungkook' door. When he heard no movement he opened the door and walked in seeing a small lump on the bed under the blankets. He walked over to the bed and saw fluffy hair sticking out from the sheets. He sat at the edge of the sleeping Maknae's bed and shook his shoulder slightly not knowing how deep of a sleeper he was. When he saw no movement he chuckled and pulled back the blanket and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw the youngers bright red cheeks against his ghostly pale face.

"Jungkookie? You feeling okay bud?" Charlie whispered before resting the back of his hand on Jungkook's forehead and pulling away sharply when he felt a burning sensation coming from the maknae's head. He ran to the landing of the stairs and shouted "NASTIA? CAN YOU BRING ME THE THERMOMETER?" To which both managers came running to the stairs, Sejin having a bad feeling in his gut.

"You okay charlie?" Nastia said with worry walking up the stairs behind sejin.

"Its Jungkookie, he feels really warm."

Sejin took the thermometer and walked into the room and he saw his maknae only just stirring awake, he picked the maknae up and held him in his arms like a baby koala, his head resting on his shoulder as he opened his eyes and groaned due to a huge headache.

"Can you turn the lights off? I think his head hurts."

Charlie turns the lights off and goes to sit next to the pair.

"Kookie? Can you tell me how you are feeling baby." Sejin made sure to talk in korean to not overwhelm him.

"Th..roat.. n' hea.." jungkook tried to whisper but couldnt get the words out he whimpered as his voice cracked and his eyes started watering.

"Oh sweetheart, dont say sorry for something you cant control, can i take your temperature bunny?" Jungkook slowly nodded and took the thermometer in his mouth sobbing on Sejins shoulder looking up at charlie.

It broke Charlie's heart to see him like this he tried wiping his tears with his thumb to try and calm his friend down, soon a beeping went off and he took the thermometer out of Jungkook's mouth as the youngers eyes were getting heavy.

"38.7.. if it gets worse i think we will have to take him to get checked out.."

Sejin cradled his baby kissing his head and lingering on for a moment. Nastia made the call canceling the recording session to be rescheduled.

"Do you wanna go downstairs sweetheart or stay up here? We can go wherever you would feel more comfortable." Sejin whispered shaking the younger.

"With.. you.." the maknae whispered gripping on tighter to his maknae.

"Okay sweetheart, lets go downstairs maybe we can give tae a call hmm? Might make you feel better."

The group went downstairs and sejin layed with Jungkook on the couch, grabbing his phone and facetiming tae. Charlie sat next to the pair holding jungkooks hand when he whimpered due to the pain. They were sat in the dark with the only light being from the TV with a quiet background noise.

"Hey sejin whats up? Oh hi charlie!"
Taehyung said and from the looks of it he was in his studio.

"Hey tae, we just called because we have a sick little bunny and we thought you might cheer him up a little." Sejin whispered and taehyung looked confused until the camera was turned to Jungkook laying on sejins chest, his hair disheveled and a tired looking face with tears brewing in his eyes.

"Awh baby, whats happened?" Taehyung said with a sad look.

"Hes having a sore throat, fever, headache, we thought we'd take a lay down, sejin was rubbing Jungkooks cheek with his palm, his eyes shutting heavily.

"Oh my poor baby, im sorry im not there right now.. try get some sleep you look absolutely exhausted, maybe call me when you've had a sleep m'kay? I love you sweetheart and ill see you when you get back okay?"

Jungkook didnt feel like talking he just held up a finger heart, sejin stood up to continue his talk with tae and Jungkook whined when he felt a hand pulling him, he layed down on Charlie's lap facing his stomach and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Throughout the day Charlie and Sejin helped jungkook out and after a long week he was finally back to full health and was ready to record, he thanked charlie for the help and invited him to visit south korea anytime. When he returned to korea taehyung made sure his baby was doing better and made sure that he was staying healthy.

Throat Infection- JJK 🖤Where stories live. Discover now