The lyrics

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Wake up!! Wake up!! Was all I heard when I woke up form the worst thing in my life a nightmare. I screamed as I woke up to see my dad standing there with a frightened face. What happened this time said my dad. I was walking threw a maze when this fave just popped up at me it was all I could see but when I looked around it was gone I turned back around and there it was gonna come to close to me before you woke me up. Sweety you need to stop thinking about what you read or watched. Ok pumpkin go back to bed as dad kisses me on the forehead and walked out of my room. As I try to fall back asleep I could only think about what I he'd dreamed about.

Come to me- says the spirit

No what do you want from me- me that was the last part of the dream that i remember before my dad woke me up. Wake up!! As my dad yells at me. Your going to be late for your last week of school. As I get up I think about what today is going to be like, I will walk in and everyone will remember who I am. First I go into my closet what shirt should I wear. Should I wear my strapless shirt or my new yellow strapless dress. I will wear my strapless dress. As I'm putting on my dress I was thinking about what kind of makeup to wear. After I put on all of my makeup and clothes I ran downstairs to have the pancakes that my dad made I could smell them from my room. When I got down stairs I found beca sitting there eating pancakes too ( beca's my BFF). Hey beca what's up, oh nothing just thought I would come alitte early. More like an hour late its only seven and school doesn't start till 9:00. I know sorry said beca. It's fine lets get eating and heading out.(sorry lazy part), after breakfast we head out of the house on our way to the bus stop beca asks me how my dream went. Well I had this spirit keep calling my name it was weird It was like in a place full of mirrors and he was standing in all of them he was saying so many things at once I could only hear one word and that was come to me

It was really creepy and after that u couldn't sleep so I stayed up like till three and after that I watched the advantures of one direction then I fell back to sleep and slept till my dad woke me up

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