chapter 9

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" Yo soul whats up " Black star said." Nothing more just chilling with my girl" I said .When I said that Black star just starred at me like i was crazy and he asked me "Dude did you finally ask maka out " i grinned " ya she's my girl and she's all mine dude " I said .As we were walking to class maka looked at me and giggled i smiled back at her .She was talking with her friend by friends i mean as liz,patty,and tsubaki . I was with my group with death the kid but we called his kid and Blackstar , we were talking until professor stein came in and i went to sit next to my girl. "Whats shaken bacon." I said as I looked at her she giggled and replied " Nothing just thing about you " i just laughed . As i turn around i saw stein writing something on the board and when i read it I started to yawn maka must of saw me yawn because she said that she will wake me up when class was over and take notes for me god i love this girl."I love you maka " i said getting sleepier "I love you to soul " she said back as i fell asleep dreaming about my life in the future with maka.
Maka pov
As i told soul to go to sleep the professor was begin to talk about a test comig up so I took notes for soul but since were going out i think we could study together right.I think that I'm going to help soul study for he can get a good grade . As the bell ringed I woke up soul telling his it time to go home " Hey maka what did i miss" soul said with a sleepy voice "Nothing much just a test that were going to take but i wrote notes for you and me can share right i hope that not a problem because i want to help you study ." I said to soul . Soul smirked and said " Sure thing maka sensei because if you teach me you have to be my sensei and if i get one question wrong you have to punish me" soul said with a perverted smirk . I giggled as we walked out of class to his bike .

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