Author's Rant

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Aiyo, I'm sorry, this was meant to be a 17k+ Royal Arranged Marriage AU, but guess what? My system hanged, and I was forced to restart it, and I lost all of my progress, all those hours of work, gone! o(≧口≦)o

Well, I was very frustrated, but I didn't want to delay this any longer. I got a couple of requests for another ShinKaza fic and while it's going to take a long time before I can write that entire thing again (without bursting into angry tears) here's something to tide you over.

To baby_bouncy_ball, thank you for being so patient while I tumble my way into being productive, I hope you can take this as an appetizer while I work on the main course [again (┬┬﹏┬┬) ]

Hope this didn't turn out to be terrible!

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