love at first sight

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•- Lola's POV-•

I met Riven in the groups on the first day of school. That's when I saw the most beautiful girl Hannah aka my little baka.

When I first saw her my heart skipped a beat just like in the movie Hotel Transylvania my eyes shimmered they had a sparkle to them...for once I've found my zing. I wonder.. if.. she feels the same...

We were all talking but I just couldn't stop glancing at her. Her beautiful eyes, her curly hair and her dimples and most importantly her eyelashes... I just have a thing for lashes I don't know why but there's just a turn on...I just couldn't stop looking.

Riven noticed that I kept looking away from her
"Lola who are you looking at? Are you looking at Hannah?" Riven lifted her eyebrow when she said the last part.
"What! No I was just spacing out" I said nervously...

(Shoot I hope riven doesn't tell Hannah that I was looking at her..she's gonna get the wrong impression...)I whisper while walking away from Riven all embarrassed. I walk up to Hannah
"Hey! Riven's been telling me all about you I hope we can be good friends" (maybe even more than friends)
"Oh yea! You must be Lola I've heard so much about you from Riven I too hope we will be good friends!"

Fast forward to the end of the day

At the end of the day I just HAD to see her again before I went home. I saw her with the group, I thought to myself how to make her fall for me. I'm going to do it I'm going to ask for her number *I jump on the air and hit my feet together*
"Hey! Give me ur number🔫" I said
"Haha sure IG😅" Hannah said

That's the end of Lola's POV

Lola x hannahNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ