Chapter 3

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I let out a sigh as I felt my eyes flutter open. I was extremely sore. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I forced myself to sit up and looked around the room to see it empty. I rose to my feet, pain coursing thru me as I stood up. I used all my strength to slip on the robe that I found on the ground.

I didn't know when Sukuna had left, but it seemed he hadn't stayed after I passed out. There was no telling how long he had continued to use me after I had passed out, but telling by my sore back; he hadn't stopped right away. It didn't surprise me how rough he was, something had told me that everything Sukuna did was rough and he didn't have a gentle bone in his body.

I slowly walked to the door and held my breath as I turned the knob. When it opened I felt my heart leap out of my chest. I quietly snuck out and looked around for an exit, not yet realizing that I was being followed.

"I wonder where everyone is." I thought as I looked around.

I made it down the hallways and reached out to turn the knob to a door, but a hand stopped me. A gasp left my lips as two arms wrapped around me and another arm gripped my neck. I was pulled backwards and slammed into a hard chest.

"Little dove, I don't believe I gave you permission to leave my chambers." A deep voice growled out.

I clawed at the arms holding me, but all it did was make Sukuna laugh.

"It seems I haven't yet broken you in." He said as I felt his lips move across my shoulder. "I was hoping to allow you a chance to rest, but it seems that isn't what you want."

"Let go of me!" I screamed as I thrashed around.

He let me go and I fell forward, landing on the ground hard. He let out a sigh and shook his head as he ran his fingers thru his hair.

"I'm going to be generous and give you two choices. Either you can return to my chambers and rest, or you can try to escape. If you pick the second option and I catch you... well I can assure you that I will fuck you stupid." He said with a sinful smirk.

I dug my nails into the ground and glared up at him. He tilted his head to the side and let out a sigh when I didn't give him a reply.

"Alright, I am going to give you ten seconds to make your choice, little dove. And after that if you haven't decided, I'll make the choice for you." He said as his eyes narrowed.


"One." He said cutting me off, a giant grin on his face.

"My lord, you can't be serious-"

"Three." He said skipping two.

I watched as we locked eyes and within seconds I realized that he was being one hundred percent serious. If I didn't decided quickly he would decide and I knew what his choice would be. I quickly jumped to my feet and spun around, throwing the door open; I ran outside. My heart started to race as I heard him continue to count, all while I ran for my life. Right as he reached ten I found myself out of sight of his castle, but I wasn't away from him.

"Dove! If you come back now I promise I will be gentle!" He called out to me.

I gasped for air as I ran thru a river. I was soaked by the time I made it to the other side, as it had started to rain.

"Or perhaps you don't want me to be gentle. Maybe you want me to ruin you for any man!" He called out to me.

I made it to a tree and quickly hid behind it, in the hopes of catching my breath. There had to be a way out of this, there had to be somewhere I could go. Perhaps a near by village would give me shelter, or maybe I could just continue to run until my feet gave out.

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