Episode 2 Loo Loo Land

Start from the beginning

Stolas: ♫ Everything will be okay ♫

[The meteor makes contact with the pink star, and begins to sink beneath the molten surface.]

Y/n: ♫ And if the Seven Rings collapse ♫

[Multiple planetary bodies begin gravitating toward the pink star, including the moon that Stolas and Octavia currently reside on, which eventually shatters into pieces as the star's gravity pulls on it.]

Y/n: ♫ Although, the day could be my last. You will be okay ♫

[Young Octavia yawns and falls asleep contentedly against her father's chest.]

Stolas: ♫ When I'm gone, you'll be okay... ♫

[Distant planetary bodies fly through the cosmos, pulled in by the pink star's incredible gravitational pull. They disintegrate upon impact and causes the star to explode in a powerful supernova just as the portal closes behind Stolas and y/n causing them to sing louder.]

Stolas: ♫ And when Creation goes to die ♫

♫ You can find me in the sky ♫

♫ Upon the last day ♫

[Stolas drapes the sleeping Octavia in a blanket.]

Stolas@y/n: ♫ And you will be okay... ♫

[There lullaby finished, they both leave as they're young daughter and niece settles back to sleep, content. Cut to several years later, where a teenage Octavia is jolted awake by smashing objects and her parents screaming at each other, far less content.]

Stella: (offscreen) I can't believe you slept with an imp, in OUR FUCKING BED!

[Octavia, annoyed at being disturbed, gives a long groan.]

Stolas: (offscreen) It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!

Stella: (offscreen) A motel?! Like a fucking PLEBEIAN?!

[Octavia grabs her phone and puts in earbuds, playing "My World Is Burning Down Around Me" to tune out the screaming as she strides down the halls of the Goetia estate, stepping over the smashed remains of a plant thrown in her path. In the kitchen, Stella continues screaming at Stolas.]

Stella: You want to fuck this one, TOO?!

[Stella grabs an imp servant and violently tosses him in Stolas' direction.]

Stolas: No! Of course not!

Stella: You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, IMP-SUCKING FACE!!

Y/n: Ohhh my fucking god women will you please shut the fuck up I'm trying enjoy my tea! So he fucked a imp so what will you please for once on you're pathetic life shut up!

[Stella turned and glared at y/n before she stormed out of the room, shouting angrily the entire time, and smashing more potted plants. Stolas sighs in exhausted exasperation before he notices his daughter has entered the kitchen.]

Stolas: Good mooorning, Octavia! Did you sleep well, my owlet?

Y/n: Yes how are you my little hunter

Octavia: Was that a serious question? And I'm fine uncle.

Y/n: Im glad my little hunter.

[Stolas opens the refrigerator to retrieve a massive chunk of zebra meat.]

Stolas: Mm-hmm... What's that you're listening to?

Octavia: This song is called "My World is Burning Down Around Me". (beat) It's by Fuck You Dad.

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