"Kelsey I'm ready!" I sing as I swing my white sling bag on.

"Already ahead of you." She sighs leaning against the doorpost.

I drive us to the meeting spot, to be greeted by everyone. Including Cruz, who starts giving instructions.

"Hey guys. Thanks for coming. They have a kid for all of us in there. Boy with a boy, girl with a girl. Remember, were here to make a impact in theses kids life's. Please be a light guys. These kids proably don't get much attention other ways. So make up for what they miss. We will be here till four thirty, then we will all get dinner."

He instructs. The director of the program, then comes and hands us each a file, with information on our individual kid, my kids eleven and her names Raelyn....great. We all slowly head into the building where theres toys and kids scattered everywhere. I ask someone to point out Raelyn and I find her on a laptop playing some computer game. I slowly sit by here.

"Who are you?" She asks barely glancing up.

"I'm darcy. I'm your mentor for the summer."

"Oh. You got a dollar?" She asks. Her hair is dark brown hair is braided but probably hasn't been washed in a while, Her face is scattered with light freckles and shes wearing a red shirt and blue shorts, but no shoes. Her front tooth is chipped.

"Um. Why?"

"So I can buy a soda."

"Oh. Okay. Lets go get one." I tell her. She stands and walks down a hallway to a vending machine. I put in the dollar and let her choose a soda. She chooses Orange crush. I stick with a water.

"Are you one of those girls that watches her weight?" She asks skeptically, crinkling her nose up towards me.

"What? Oh no. I don't care what I weigh. But I do try to eat healthy."

"Thats weird."

"What do you want to do?" I ask her.

"Nothing." She returns to the computer to play her game. So I spend all day watching the little character dive through tunnels and climb brick walls. I'm relieved when its four so I can start to leave.

"Ummm. I'll see you... Monday."

"I'll be here." She mumbles. I start to walk away, until I feel to arms circle my waist. I turn to see Raelyn hugging me, but it quickly ends and she returns to her game. Thats progress right? That means she likes me.


While I'm lovin it here and everything, theres one kid thats deemed it her Job to make this summer as hard as possible. Her names Emeree. Shes a walking night mare. So far, shes spilled her milk on me, put rocks in my shoes, and dropped my bag in the lake. Luckily none of my important stuff was in there. The weird thing is, no matter how bad she treats me. I have a hard time gettig mad at her. Besides her, theres these three girls that think they own the camp. They have such snotty attitudes. I forget there twelve. Psh. Other than that I'm having fun.

Ps: the next time your home, can you send me the USB cord to my camera? I don't know how I forgot it. But my dad probably won't get around to it.

Love, Kailee

"Emeree, please get out the tree." I snip as me and Reah lead the kids on an afternoon hike. Were going to the other side of the lake to have a picnic lunch.

"Why? Shes more of a monkey than a human anyway." Jane whispers loudly earning a chorus of giggles from the other girls.

"Jane! Knock it off." Reah shouts, whose leading the group. I'm pulling in the rear.

"Can we stop? I'm hot and bored." Holly whines.

"Guys, the lake its just another ten minutes away. Then we can all have lunch." Reah sighs.

Ten minutes later we reach a clearing with picnic tables at the waterfront. We relay the rules while passing out the club sandwiches, bags of chips and, juice boxes. The group of kids split off into groups to eat or swim.

"Emerees killing you huh?" Reah laughs

"Yes." I groan putting my face in my hands.

"Oh you'll get use to her. Don't worry. She likes to test people."

I grumble and answer before pulling out my camera. Its one of the newest Nikons and my baby. I love it. I take pictures of the kids and of the scenery.

"Can I see your camera?" Emeree hops next to me

"Well... Just please be very careful." I take the camera and place the strap around her neck. She starts to snaps a few pictures.

"Kailee. Come look!" One of the girls call. I see Emeree focused, so I take the chance to see what the girls want to show me. Which ends up being a gecko one of them caught with her hands. I return to Emeree who has a look on her face that I know means she did something wrong.

"What did you do?" I moan.

"Well... What happens if I press this trash can button?"

"Emeree! Please don't tell me you did what I think you did!" I snatch the camera back from her to discover, indeed all five hundred photos that I've taken since I've been here have vanished. "You deleted all my photos."

"Its okay. Now you have rooms for new ones."

"No Emeree it doesn't work that way. I can't relive the photos I took. They were special."

"Don't be such a baby about it." She stomps off as if it were my fault. Ugh. This kid hates me, yet its my fault.

"Okay guys lets head back." I blow the silver whistle around my neck, which actually has come in handy and round the kids up. I need sleep, yet dinner hasn't even started yet. And tonights camp fire night. Gah.

I hurriedly finish picking up the remaining trash so I can go home. I'm tired, but I did meet a lot of cool people so its okay.

"Let me take that." Mercer reaches for the black garbage bag in my hand.

"I'm good. I can Handle my stuff myself."

"Ouch. Even stubborn at night question, when aren't you difficult?"

I ingore him and bring the bag to the dumpster. Him following close behind.

"I'm serious."

"I don't know mercer... Sundays. I'm not difficult sundays." I sigh tiredly just to make him be quiet.

"Oh. Good. So I'll take you out sunday afternoon then" He nods before walking away.

"Excuse me?" I turn after him. "Who do you think you are?"

"The person you'll push away all summer, then get mad at cause I stop chasing. Like I said, its you who will have to come after me, but I'm being nice and leaving plenty open opportunities. But fine. Were done now."

"What? No? Stop you don't know what your talking about." I deny.

"Blaire. Let go." He whispers before leaving for good.


I'm not going to put whose point of view it is because I want to work on smooth transitions from one speaker to another.

If you weren't aware, for the most part they are in the same day. Today its friday in the story.

Andddd photo of Mercer on the side----->

Just so you guys know.





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