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The creature perched on the edge of a beam watching the people below. She often spent her evenings here, observing them, she found their rituals fascinating. Far below, a small child is passed a cup and asked to drink. The creature leans in as A man in robes directs the crowd in the act, they chant together and all drink from the same cup. After careful investigation , she learned that the cup contains a sacrificial offering. This is how they allow the demon into their bodies which was always their goal. The demon gives them strength, immortality and fearlessness, they say its always with them, watching.

The creature hisses and backs further into the shadows as light pours through the stained glass windows. The crowd closes their eyes and throw their hands into the air touching the glow that illuminates the space. The ritual is complete and they all cheer. She’s seen it a thousand times, she knows the magic is powerful and she knows that she wants it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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