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*taehyung was working on his laptop as he heard footsteps he took deep breath and sighed and lift his eyes up and saw yoongi holding her homework sheet and looking at him sheepishly as it was sign that she's need help*

I don't know, your books...*he said coldly*

*yoongi pouted sadly and sat down on floor trying to solve the math problems*

*it only took afew sec taehyung sighed and looks at yoongi* What did you not understood..*he came closer and look at the problem*

This question *yoongi says and showed the question* *he read the problem and look at her* you are joking right?! This is easy!

But idk how my teacher is so fast when he teaching *yoongi says and looks at taehyung with her kitten eyes*

Well...  did even you really listen to the teacher? *he took the paper and looks at her with his cold eyes yet there was soft on it too *

"I did" *yoongi says and rubbed her nape* "And you didn't understand this easy question?" *he put the paper aside and cross the arms*" "......No *yoongi says and pouting playing with her finger on shame"*

*"he grab her cheek and turn her face to look at him and explained to her"* "did you understand now?" "taehyung says and raised his eyebrow waiting for her answer"

That's all? "yoongi says and looks at taehyung" "Yes! It's easy like I said! Do you understand now?" "Yea thank you ""yoongi says and hugs him then walks away. Taehyung was surprised by the hug as he still has cold face" "You are welcome...but don't touch me like that again...okay?"he said coldly and keep doing work" "Sorry sorry *yoongi says and puts her book inside her back and ran to tv"

"You are in the house just to study not to run and watch TV."he turn in the same time the TV and turn it off"."But tae! Please? "yoongi says and whined" I said no! "he crossed the arms and stare at her" "Yes!"yoongi says and turn on again""Turn it off now before I smash it... "he said coldly" " and give me the remote control, you're not watching that thing!"

Why can't I? I'm human being after all "yoongi says and looks sad gives the remote to taehyung" "You're not staying in my house to be a baby and watch TV all the day...you're here to study"."he put the remote in a different place and goes back to work"

Meanie "yoongi whispers and said on purpose" "he turned his face around, he hear everything." "Watch what you say and you're just a teenager...I'm a adult man, I know better than you, don't even dare to call me with names... "he said in a cold tone and keep working."

Meanie!! "yoongi sticks her tongue out of him" "he ignore it and focus on his work" "you're lucky, I'm used to deal with little kids..." "yoongi gasped and puts her hand over her chest* did you just called me kid?!" "Of course I called a kid...because you are one. You're only 17 and I almost 30...even at your 20 or 21, you'll still be a kid to me..."" taehyung says and felt that yoongi giving a death glare but he ignored her"

" And you are old man here""yoongi says and Crossed her arms"" And the old man you're talking about who give you food, water and roof under your head? "he look at her coldly"

"I guess that's what husband do?" "yoongi says sheepishly" "Yes, that what husbands do, if you at least, not acting like a kid...you should have study instead of running in the house and watching TV...""he go and continue working" "And whats wrong with that?"yoongi says sassy""you always on your working not paying attention to me kids want attention btw"

"You call me old, and you want attention? "he look at her annoyed ""you can't expect a busy person have a attention to you all time...especially when you're acting like a kid sometimes..."

"So what? Didn't you say I'm kid. So here I am""yoongi says and being brat"" he put his pen down and put his both arms on his knees and look at her""you are a kid...your brain isn't fully developed and you still have a kid mindset...so you should not be so annoying..."" Just like yours "yoongi says and looks at her nails"

"Did you just spoke bad to me? Did they teach you some respect?" "he said annoyed and get up""Umm I'm orphan.. ~!"yoongi says""he goes to her and grab her arm, looks at her in the eyes""no excuse...I was an orphan like you and I don't have this act...""

"yoongi looks at him with kitten eyes" "*he keep holding her arm, doesn't let her escape" "if you make me angry one more time, I will take you back to the orphanage and you'll see real monsters...okay!?"he said in a menacing tone""What kind of husband you are?! "yoongi says and gasped not believing what taehyung just said to her !"

"And you're wondering why I'm cold to you? Maybe take a look in the mirror...how about that?"he said annoyed and release her arm"....you're asking to be treated like that..."

Huh ik I'm beautiful no need to remind me "yoongi says and flips her hair savagely"



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