Chapter 26: Into the Chaos

Start from the beginning

"And she's been extra worried about you?" Iris watched the Speedster nod slowly. "Does she know what's going on?"

"Only that I've been having nightmares, I haven't told her the full extent of it,"

"Don't you think that her knowing the full story would be better than having you snap at her?" Iris raised an eyebrow as she looked at Y/n. "At least then, she knows why you are under so much stress instead of thinking that you are just mad at her,"

"I guess you're r..." Y/n froze as he looked at Iris, his eyes filling with fear as he suddenly took off in a bright flash of teal lightning.

Y/n sped into the cortex where every member of team Flash was laying on the ground in pain as the familiar suited Speedster stood in the centre of the room and Y/n felt his blood run cold as he looked at the man holding Taylor in the air. "Look who finally showed up," His deep voice reverberated from beneath his mask.

"Put her down!" Y/n demanded as lightning danced across his body.

"I don't feel like it," He chuckled as he looked at the teal Speedster. "Why don't you make me?" He growled before black and white lightning phased through a wall as he dashed out of the lab with Taylor.

Y/n's eyes shifted to Nora for a second, noticing the fear in her eyes as she laid there, staring at the wall. In the blink of an eye, Y/n dashed after the suited Speedster. Teal lightning dashed through the city as he ran after the other Speedster.

Y/n could just see the black-and-white speed at the edge of his vision and he knew that the Speedster was still slightly faster than him, he knew that this Speedster who had trapped him in the Chaos Domain for years now had his daughter and he could go anywhere, he could do a lot of things that the Chaos Speedster couldn't, images of Taylor flashed in his head, the fear in her eyes as she stared at him...

Y/n screamed, he wasn't sure what was going on but he let out a guttural scream as he felt his body burn, his muscles began screaming in exhaustion. A sonic boom was heard as the Speedster felt something new, something more primal.

Y/n was never more certain about something in his life and that was that he was going to rip the Speedster's heart out of his chest, Y/n watched as things around him began warping and twisting and the last thing he saw was the black and white lightning disappear in a flash before there was a sudden flash that engulfed the Thawne and when Y/n's eyes readjusted, he was met with the sight of a familiar town, a familiar Labyrinth.

"Found you!" Y/n felt the Chaos Domain tell him where the Speedster was, it was different this time, last time it took his speed and his strength, it took everything but this time it was grabbing him, surrounding him and helping him.

Y/n took a sudden turn before phasing through the faded buildings, running through multiple walls before entering a large dining hall where he sat the familiar suited Speedster. Y/n raised his fist and his target had just enough time to raise his arms in defence before Y/n delivered a massive punch that launched the other man into the wall.

Y/n stumbled slightly before gaining his footing and dashing forward at full speed before leaping into the air and raising his knees, feeling them connect with the chest of his opponent, driving the man backwards and sending them crashing through a wall and into the streets.

Y/n ended up straddling the Speedster, screaming as he unloaded multiple punches to the man's face, feeling his knuckles smash against the mask as his head snapped from side to side, having enough of that Y/n raised his hand with his fingers pointed forward and his hand vibrating.

Just as Y/n went to drive his hand down, a massive explosion of black and white lightning sent him flying off of the other Speedster and into the building once more. "You've gotten faster," Y/n stood up to look at the Speedster who was standing there, staring at him.

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now