Chapter 26: Into the Chaos

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"You're going back in time?" Taylor's voice caught Y/n's attention as he walked through the halls of Star Labs.

"What?" Y/n glanced at the younger Speedster before continuing his walk, Taylor catching up to him before continuing.

"Mom told me that you and GB were going to go back in time to take stuff from those times, the same thing you taught me never to do," Taylor questioned her father as they made their pointless journey through the lab corridors.

"Tay, I don't want to talk about this, me and Barry know what we're doing," Y/n tried to end the conversation there, not wanting to dive too deep into this with her.

"Of course, you don't," Taylor rolled her eyes as she spoke. "Mom also told me that you've been acting different..."

"What she going to you for?"

"Because I told her about what's been going on, your constant nightmares and the way the Chaos Force has been going haywire and she is worried about you," Taylor explained as she placed a hand on her father's shoulder, watching him pull away from her touch.

"That's the thing, I don't need anyone to worry about me... What is it with you people and thinking that there is always something wrong with me," Y/n pinched the bridge of his nose as he growled out. "I'm an adult and a speedster, I can manage my health..."

"That's the thing, you're a speedster who spent years inside the Chaos Domain, no one else has spent that amount of time there," Taylor crossed her arms as she looked at her father, both coming to a halt in the hallway. "These nightmares have to do with the Chaos Domain doesn't it?"

"For crying out loud, Taylor... I don't need you, your mother or anyone else breathing down my next over some stupid dreams," Y/n muttered as he ran a hand through his messy hair.

"But dad..."

"Enough," Y/n cut the younger Thawne off. "I'm not having this conversation,"

"Y/n..." The two Thawnes snapped their heads towards Iris who was standing there, staring at the two before turning her attention towards Taylor. "Hey, little Sparkplug, why don't you go join the rest of the team in the Cortex, they are about to start talking about the plan," She smiled as she walked closer, motioning for Taylor to leave.

"Yeah... Thanks, Mimi," Taylor looked at Y/n before smiling at Iris and zipping out of the hallway, leaving Y/n and Iris alone.

"What was that?" Iris questioned as she crossed her arms, glaring at the taller Speedster.

"What was what?"

"Snapping at Taylor like that... You never speak to her like that," Iris pointed out as she watched Y/n lean against the wall. "You talk to me like that and snapped like that at Barry once, you've never spoken to anyone else like that,"

"It's nothing..."

"Don't give me that bullshit," Iris snapped at the Speedster as she crossed her arms and glared at him. "Is there something wrong, is it Taylor, Nora, your mother... What's going on?" She asked as she looked at the Thawne, her gaze softening slightly.

Silence fell between the two of them for a moment before Y/n let out a sigh, finally admitting defeat. "It's nightmares that I've been having nonstop," Y/n muttered as he leaned his head against the wall, he expected Iris to say something but she just stared at him, genuinely concerned. "Nightmares about my time in the Chaos Domain," He added in a hushed tone as if admitting it hurt him.

"What kind of nightmares?"

"Real bad ones... I'm being chased through the labyrinth by some dark, twisted, demonic being that wants me... Wanted to kill me or consume me, I don't know but I just knew that I needed to get away from it," Y/n explained as he looked at the shorter woman. "The nightmares have been getting worse and worse each time to the point where it's affecting my connection to the Chaos Force and been disturbing Taylor,"

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now