𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑: aftermath

Start from the beginning

Half an hour passed and the drivers were soon about to start. Micha heard the sound of the cars starting up and getting into their starting positions— which were determined by the qualifying on Saturday.

Micha's eyes were locked onto the two orange McLaren cars as they began. She was always surprised at the pure speed the cars possessed— it was very cool but also nerve-wracking.

The race began and Oscar was slightly behind, about 9 seconds behind the nearest car. But she cheered him on anyway, he was doing fantastic. Lando was around the middle, which was good for such an intense race.

But around thirteen laps in, Oscar pitted. Micha watched as the engineers changed his wheels— but they suddenly stopped. Oscar shook his head and pulled into the garage, where they shut the garage doors.

Micha heard people question what had happened, and there was an announcement on the loudspeaker that Oscar had been forced to retire due to a mechanical issue.

She felt her heart sink. Oscar's first F1 race ending early due to a mechanical issue, totally out of his hands? Micha could only imagine how bad he was feeling. Unfortunately, she could only continue watching the race as she wasn't allowed behind the garage.

She continued watching the race tensely, both worrying about Oscar and the outcome of the race. By lap 71, the race was over and the podium consisted of Verstappen, Perez, and Alonso. Lando made position 17, which wasn't great. But she was still happy regardless— it was entertaining.

Once the garages were open again and people swarmed in groups on the circuit, Micha was finally allowed to go check on her brother. She practically ran towards the McLaren garage and found Lando first.

"Hey, Mi." Lando greeted her. His hair was messy and he looked exhausted, but he still looked good, "Not a very good outcome out there, huh?"

Micha shook her head. "No, not really. But you guys still did your best. Have you seen Oscar?"

Lando moved his head slightly to the left. "He went in there, apparently." He explained, "It's never easy to not finish a race, but especially your first."

Micha nodded. "Yeah, he must be feeling horrible." She said, "I'm gonna go check on him, k? I'll be back."

Lando let her go and Micha walked into the room she was told Oscar was in. She immediately noticed him sitting on the couch with his head between his hands.

"Oh, Osc." Micha said, walking over to him. She sat down and put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm so sorry."

Oscar looked up from the floor and Micha noticed the small tear streaks on his cheeks. "It's so stupid, I'm being so stupid."

"You couldn't control that, Osc, you know that more than I do." Micha comforted him, "You did your best with what you had— that's all anybody can ask of you. And you have a right to be upset, it was your first race."

Oscar swiped the tears off of his face. He smiled slightly at Micha. "Thanks, Mimi. I should go back out there, huh?"

Micha nodded. "You have media, don't you?"

Oscar sighed deeply. "Unfortunately." He said, "Don't you have a flight to catch?"

Micha sighed similarly to him, "Unfortunately." She stood up and Oscar followed, "I'll go say goodbye to Lando and then I'll have to go."

Oscar nodded and they walked back out to the main garage, where Lando was just looking at his phone. When he noticed them coming, he put it away. "Hey, man." He greeted Oscar, "Tough race, eh?"

Oscar nodded. "Yeah, but there's always next time." Lando smiled and looked at Micha. "Oscar mentioned earlier that you're leaving soon, is that true?"

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