Character (1)

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Character (1)

Name: Yeager (Y/n)
Real Name: Yeager D. Ristoria (Y/n)
Age: 19-21?
Character: Magician/Bunny Lover/Entertainer

•Archippo Museum (Former)
• Strawhat Pirates (Current)


•Fantastical Fantasmagorie
• Little Miss Alice
• Monkey D. Luffy's Entertainer


Toffee: Oryctolagus

Toffee is a seemingly ordinary bunny pet owned by the magician (Y/n) Yeager, but he harbors a remarkable secret. With the a flip of a coin made by his master, Toffee can transform into a formidable giant rabbit with razor-sharp teeth and claws. This transformation allows him to aid his master in battles and perform extraordinary feats. Toffee's abilities include:

Fanstastical Celestine Form: Toffee can grow to an impressive size, towering over his enemies. In this form, he gains enhanced strength and durability, making him a powerful ally in combat.

Sharp Teeth and Claws: Toffee's teeth and claws become razor-sharp in his giant form, allowing his to tear through obstacles and adversaries with ease.

Enhanced Agility: As a giant rabbit, Toffee retains his agility, enabling him to perform acrobatic moves and swiftly navigate the battlefield.

Battle Instinct: Toffee possesses a keen battle instinct that makes him a reliable protector for (Y/n). He can anticipate threats and react quickly to defend his master.

Dimensional Phasing: Toffee can manipulate the fabric of space around him to phase in and out of existence, allowing him to appear and disappear at will. This ability makes him an elusive and unpredictable presence, confounding adversaries and aiding (Y/n) in their magical performances and escapes.

Ground Portal Creation: Toffee can create temporary portals or holes on the ground using him magical abilities. These portals serve as a means of quick transportation, enabling him and (Y/n) to travel swiftly and stealthily across short distances.

Ethereal Tracking: Toffee possesses the innate ability to track magical auras and residual energy, allowing him to locate hidden objects or individuals. This skill proves invaluable during quests and missions, as Toffee can guide (Y/n) to their objectives with precision.

Illusory Deception: Toffee can create realistic illusory duplicates of himself or (Y/n), confusing enemies and diverting their attention during confrontations. This skill enhances their defensive strategies and provides opportunities for surprise attacks or escapes.

Mystical Warding: Toffee can erect mystical barriers and shields, protecting himself and (Y/n) from incoming magical or physical attacks. His proficiency in warding spells adds an additional layer of defense during intense battles and dangerous encounters.


Limited Time in Giant Form: Toffee's giant rabbit form may have a time limit or specific conditions for transformation, leaving him vulnerable once the transformation wears off or if he is unable to activate it.

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