Part 19

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He turned around slowly but surely and stopped his rampage - possibly because he recognized my voice - and slowly turned around to face me.

Rhino was still as big and as terrifying as yesterday - strong, metal armor encasing his body, and red, electronic, beady eyes which were facing me.

But this time, I stood tall and strong, completely unafraid of the menace in front of me.

"Did you miss me, Aleksei?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

His mouth - or what I assumed was his mouth - twisted into a frown. "I haven't heard that name in years."

I shrugged. "Well, you know. Smart names belong to smart people."

Rhino growled and charged at me, tossing two vehicles out of the way. Reacting quickly, I shot two webs at them and tugged on them, letting them smash into Alek-Rhino from behind.

I flicked my wrist attached a web to a piece of his armor, and swung around him.

"Now, Rhino," I quipped, mid-swing. Instead of going all the way around him, I stopped halfway and kicked his back with both legs, at such an angle that he flew into the air, facing the sky.

I shot another web at his airborne body and pulled him down, making him slam into the ground.

I let go of the web I was holding.

"That's a much more fitting name."

He groaned but quickly got back up to a standing position. He cricked his neck and bent slightly backward before coming back up and turning around to face me.

A grin spread across his face as he appeared to be unharmed from my attack.

I put myself into a fighting position, and we proceeded to begin a running game of cat-and-mouse...

Or, in this case, rhino-and-spider.

He punched me; I dodged. I swung at him...and immediately dodged away. It appeared as if he had already grown accustomed to my style of fighting.

He managed to land a pretty hard hit, which sent me flying backward into a nearby building. I sighed in pain and struggled to get up.

But I was stronger this time - there was no way I was losing to him again.

I stood up and got back into a fighting stance.

Fast as sound, I pushed off the ground and landed a powerful punch to the middle of his chest - the one weak spot in his armor. He shot backward but stabilized himself by punching into the ground - which also sent a shockwave, knocking down the cars and the buildings in his way.

He lunged at me, attempting to hit me, but I grabbed his fist and swung him around before throwing him into an office building, made of glass.

With people inside.


I heard the Rhino's angry roar from the structure, and I sprung into action, shooting two webs and launching myself into the rhino-sized gap in the window. It was absolute chaos inside; women and men running with their hands over their heads and papers flying everywhere. 

It seemed as if Rhino had already made it out of the main office, and was making his way downstairs, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

I have to go after him!

I ran through the hole and peeped over the railing outside the office, and my mouth dropped.

The bureau had circular floors going all the way down, with a huge gap in the middle, allowing me to see to the bottom of the office.

A Tale of Two Spiders [BEING REWRITTEN ELSEWHERE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora