Week Three, Friday

Começar do início

    Amao: We’re in the Cooking Club, but don’t come up here or he’ll probably follow.

    Kokona: Shouldn’t we talk to the Guidance Counselor? She has to be able to do something !

    Ayano: He hasn’t done anything incriminating. How can we get him in trouble for walking to school? He has to stop sooner or later…

    From the three frustrated groans that her friends let out, Ayano knows that she’s right. They all set down their phones.

    “There has to be something!” Osano shouts, leaning back into his chair. “I mean, he’s a stalker! Can’t you tell her that you’re uncomfortable?”

    “Yes. Just tell her I’m scared of a year one because he’s a fan. He’s just starstruck, I can’t change that and neither can the counselor.” Ayano sighs. “It’s just something to wait out.”

    “Well, we aren’t leaving you alone for him to bother you, got it?” Kizano leans forwards. “In fact, what are you doing tonight?”

    “Nothing, why?” 

    Kizano pulls out his phone and texts as he speaks. “Darling, we’re going to forget about that boy for the night!”

    Her phone buzzes. 

   Kizano: Ayano and I are going to get ice cream after school. Are you peasants joining or not?

    Ayano can’t help but chuckle at the text. 

    Taro: I can’t, I promised I’d hang out with my little brother after school. Maybe next time?

    KokonaSorry, I’m going to be busy. 

    Kokona doesn’t clarify why, but Ayano knows. She hopes that Saturday goes according to plan. 

    Amao and Osano agree to join, and it’s settled. Ayano knows that they’re going to keep her mind off of her ‘stalker.’ She’s content, knowing that she found such caring friends.

    When the warning bell rings, they’re quick to get her to class. Mrs. Fuka doesn’t question their rush to get into the room, instead just sighing and muttering about how, “I need to get a call back from that other school already.”

    Class goes by smoothly, and the lunch bell is ringing before Ayano realizes it. Osano takes Ayano by the hand and leads her back to the Cooking Room, with Kizano trailing behind, keeping anyone from coming close. Amao, Taro, Kokona, and Riku are already in the room when Ayano steps in.

    Riku looks sympathetic when she sits down. “I heard that you’ve got a stalker? How long has this been going on?”

    Ayano sighs. “Just a fan, I think. A very, very, starstruck fan. He complimented me on Monday because of the play and now he just... appears everywhere.” She lays her head on the table. 

    Riku frowns. “That’s terrible. Do you think he’ll stop soon?”

    Ayano nods, but it just makes her head bump on the table. She lifts her head back up. “Yeah. After all, when someone becomes obsessed with a movie actor, they calm down eventually. If he’s like this because I was in a school play, he’ll be over it way sooner.”

Ayano Aishi, the Emotionless Lover  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora