Wonwoo left from there. Minghao bump his shoulder to Mingyu's in a teasing manner.

"He likes you Gyu. I can tell". He said cheerfully.

"You think so Hao?" Mingyu asked with a small smile and Minghao nodded.

"Someone is sulking?" Wonwoo asked laying on Hoshi's bed, also putting his head on older's lap, even he can see the older is angry.

"Go to your Gyu". Hoshi said rolling his eyes.

"Hehe, you jealous huh?"

"What me? No I'm not". Hoshi said looking away.

"Yes you are". Wonwoo said teasing.

"No I am n...." Before Hoshi could finish, Wonwoo pulled him down to kiss him. Hoshi pulled away, glaring at him.

"You are really tricky Wonu". He mumbled.

Everyday Hoshi feels happy, he feels loved. Wonwoo will always sneak a chance to be with him and he himself will do anything possible to do the same.

Today Hoshi stays in the practice room alone so he and Wonwoo can spend some time together.

He decided to practice for the time being. He practice and practice but there was no sight of younger. He sigh checking the time on his phone. It indicates 12:47 in the midnight.

He sigh and decided to go back to their dorm. He entered the dorm seeing some members sitting in living room and watching some movie. The members were basically, the makane line along with Jun and Wonwoo.

"Hoshi hyung, you are back? Are you tired?" Dino asked. Hoshi showed him a small smile and nod.

"You should take shower and rest". Dokeyom said.

"Yeah". Hoshi replied going to his room.

Wonwoo was about to leave and check on him but Mingyu held his arm. "Why on the earth they chose horror movie?" He said being scared. Wonwoo decided to stay beside Mingyu as he knows how scared the younger can get.

Hoshi came out of shower and drifted off to sleep as he was really tired after practice.

The movie ended at like 1:20 or something. All of them decided to go back to their rooms and sleep.

"Amm Hao, I'm scared. Can I please sleep next to you tonight?" Mingyu asked as he is afraid of sleeping alone after watching a scary ghost.

"I don't mind it but.... Dude it's your chance to be closer to Wonwoo hyung". Minghao said with an exciting smile.

"Minghao I don't thin..."

"Wonwoo hyung, Mingyu is scared. Can you please let him sleep with you tonight?" Even before Mingyu can stop him, Minghao asked.

"Actually I......" Wonwoo hesitate cause he wanted to cuddle with Hoshi but he also cares about Mingyu. Mingyu is his favourite younger after Dino. "I don't mind". He replied with a smile.

"Thanks hyung".

Hoshi was sitting with members in the living room as they got some rest time.

He saw Mingyu walked in, greeting everyone good morning.

"Ohh Gyu. Did you sleep well? I guess you did as Wonwoo hyung was beside you". Minghao said giving his best buddy cheerful smile.

Mingyu just nod his head.

Hoshi just look down at his hands, having a sad smile. He knows Wonwoo and he are already together but somehow he is feeling insecure. But he shouldn't feel it as Wonwoo himself took initiative in this relationship. He shook the thought away.

"Hoshi hyung, you okay?" Asked DK noticing his expression.

"Yeah I'm. Dokeyomaa can me, you and Kwanie go out and have fun?" He asked.

"Yeah sure. What do you say Kwanie?"

"I'm always in for it hyung". Seungkwan cheam happily.

"But Seokaa, today you were going to hang out with us". Joshua said as he has already made plans with Jeongcheol.

"But you didn't told me that you made plans hyung. And can I please not come? I wanna hangout with Hoshi hyung and Kwan". Joshua was hurt as Seokmin again chose his friends instead of him. He just show a forced smile and nodded.

"Hyung me and Wonwoo hyung will join you". Hansol told Jeonghan.

"Amm Vernon, yeah you can come". Jeonghan said agreeing. As maybe having Wonwoo and Vernon will light up Joshua's mood.

Hoshi, Dokeyom and Seungkwan left. Going to indoor ice skating, they hardly know how to do it but they were happy trying new things. They fall and laugh, forgetting about their worries and busy, stressful life.

It was really relaxing to go out and have fun with your favourite people. Best friends are for us to make us relax.

After enjoying ice skating, they went out to eat and shop something for their boyfriends. They decided to surprise their boys with gifts at night.

They were satisfied with their day out and returned home. They were about to enter the living room but halted when they heard Mingyu and Minghao talking.

"What happened between you and Wonwoo hyung last night. You have to tell me. You made progress, right?" Minghao asked Mingyu.

"Hao, why are you always asking about me and Wonwoo hyung?" Mingyu asked.

"Come on dude, you have been crushing over hyung from 3years now. How can I not be excited about you finally taking some steps". Minghao replied showing his excitement.

"Yeah, crushing over Wonwoo hyung". Mingyu said looking down.

"Ne, don't be shy now. Tell me what happened last night. Something happened, right? Please tell me my efforts didn't waste". Minghao asked.

Mingyu looks at him, thinking for a second before nodding.

Minghao looked at him with eager face.

"Wonwoo hyung kissed me and told me he likes me". Mingyu said.



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