I see them.

18 1 0

*Extreme reconstruction and editing occurring. Proceed to read with caution.*
Nobody checks the vents. I've been up here for 2 days. I've got my camera and water with me. I can't believe they never check the vents. Every night they check the doors and the windows. The have cameras outside. I'm so glad they never check them. c:
"Honey, what's for dinner?" Alex asked.
"Nothing so far, its your turn to make it." Jill replied.  Ever since the their son died, Alex has been forgetful. He tried to help, but everything was far more exhausting. Jill had noticed his change, and grew sadder on a daily basis.

"Honey, are you going to go ask the neighbor to see if we can borrow his camera?" Jill asked.

"I wouldn't like to bother him." Alex replied. "Ill ask tomorrow when I get home." Jill knew he wouldn't. He never does what he says anymore. She smiled instead wanting to trust he would do as he said.

"Good we'll need it to film Johnnie's funeral, and with the cost we wont be able to buy our own." Jill said. Despite it being her husbands turn to cook dinner, Jill went into the kitchen to make something simple and quick.


Alex has just left for work. He was late, again. 'Might as well take a shower,' Jill thought. After her long shower, she went to sleep.


She looks so cute sleeping, like a little baby. I crawled my way into the vent of their room. I just want to press a pillow onto her face. She'll look that way forever. I'm going to do it. I'm going to suffocate her and then I'll leave. Nobody will know.  How do I open this vent? Oh shi-Someone came into the house. Guess ill stay here for now.


"Did you ask?" Jill asked, despite the fact she already knew the answer. Just as she expected he said,

"No. im so sorry I forgot."

"please, ask tomorrow. We're going to need it next week." Jill said, feeling tired.

"Can you ask him?" Alex asked running his fingers through his hair.

"No he gives me the creeps, but you have had conversations with him before." Jill said, and then went back to bed. Feeling a bit overwhelmed Jill turned on the A.C., hoping it would help.

Refusing to talk to his wife, Alex went into his office. After browsing the internet, he decided to check his email.

1 New Message. From:   Johnnie_the_kid (at)gotmail.com

Huh that was weird. Why was he receiving an email from his sons account? His son never shared his email password with his parents. It couldn't be Jill could it? Overwhelmed by curiosity, he decided to open it.

Dear Alex,

          Sorry I couldn't help myself. Had to take a peek. c;

*Open video file*

After Alex opened the file, he was enraged. Someone had spied on his wife showering. Then the video went black. The most awful, and cruel laugh sounded through his ear buds. The scene  change and it was now of her sleeping. Then to them in the living room. 'What the hell?!?' Alex thought. He was energized by the feeling of fear. The most fearful thing about the video was the angle. It seemed to be coming from above. He rushed into their bedroom and saw his wife asleep. He shook he furiously hoping she was alive. Startled awake Jill looked at her husband in surprise. He explained what happened. They rushed into Alex's office with determination. They re-watched the video when they heard a Ping! sound. It was another email from their sons account.

Dear Alex and Jill,

          Aww what a cute family. Always so cautious. too bad nobody ever checks the air vents. Heres a hint, check the places I videotaped.

Have fun, goodbye!

Without a word, Alex got his tools and rushed to their bedroom. After opening the Vent, he reached in a saw a paper.

"What does it say?" Jill asked feeling terrified, yet curious. Without saying anything Alex left the room. Jill followed not wanting to be alone.

Whoever it had been, had already opened the vent for them. Alex reached in to find another note and a camera. He gave the notes to his wife to read.

#1: Getting warmer. C:

#2: The A.C. got too cold for me to handle. So I left.


The End!

A/N: Hope it wasn't too bad. Cx I'm trying to edit this.

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